Pet Dander and the Air in Your Home

Pet lovers adore their furry friends, but often could do without all the fur they shed all over the house. If your concern is that your pet's fur is making your or your families allergies worse, the real concern isn't the fur at all. Fur is actually not an allergen, but pet dander, saliva and urine are the real culprits. The reality is that often these allergens tag along with the fur, so if you want a home that is allergen free you have to get rid of the fur too. One of the best ways to get … [Read more...]

How to Choose the Perfect Fish for Your Aquarium

It's no secret that many people consider fish to be great pets. After all, they are lovely, colorful little creatures with a penchant for putting on a show. But they aren't as low maintenance as one might be tempted to believe. In fact, putting together an aquarium is a challenging endeavor that has quite a few rules that need to be followed.  If you want to add colorful fishes to your Aquarium then you can also check out CichlidTips. Image Source: Unsplash According to Reef … [Read more...]