Water Filters for Your Home

When the sun is shining there is very little that is as refreshing as an ice cold glass of water. The fact that it is beneficial to your health is simply a bonus. But, the first thing you'll realize when you start looking is that there are hundreds of different firms on the market; all offering the very best tap water filter for your home. But, the first thing you'll realize when you start looking is that there are hundreds of different firms on the market; all offering the very best water … [Read more...]

Lemon Cucumber Water Detox Recipe

It's that time of year again when I expect another Detox Water Recipes is going to land in front of me during the annual New Year's resolution period.  A lot of people want to quit alcohol for their New Year's resolution (definitely try Soberlink's Alcohol Monitoring Systems if you are having problems with alcohol). Reasons span from health to oral hygiene, as well. So, a Detox Water Recipe is a proven way to start this.  This Lemon Cucumber Detox Water … [Read more...]