How to Manage Your Work From Home Projects Professionally

Increasingly, professionals from all walks of life are choosing to work from home on projects in areas they are adept at. Not only does it allow for flexibility of time and location, but also it cuts out all the time spent on those meaningless meetings and, of course, the long commute. With fewer distractions at home, how can one increase one's productivity while also tackling projects professionally? Here are a few ways by which you can fight your daily challenges and work like a … [Read more...]

Improve Your Cashflow: 7 Jobs You Can Do Without Going to the Office

The modern-day person could generally use some extra income, but it can be hard to juggle more than one job at a time. Maybe a full-time office job isn't working for you, and you're looking for other ways to make rent. Work from home jobs can be the solution to your empty-pocket problems. Most stay-at-home jobs have flexible hours and can be done while sitting in your pajamas. Here are a few that you can take on yourself. Mystery Shopper Mystery shopping is a fun and easy way to make … [Read more...]

How to Move From the Office to Working From Home With Ease

With so many options to work from home these days, why wouldn't you take advantage of them? Working from home allows you the luxury of working in pajamas, from your bed or couch, with your pets and far from the watchful eye of a supervisor. It may be as simple as asking your current boss if you can work remotely. If that is not an option for you, the difficult part may be finding a legitimate way to work from home that isn't a scam or overly time-consuming. With a little bit of research and the … [Read more...]