Ever since the corona lockdown started teletherapy and telehealth have now become the new normal for a lot of people which has managed to bring therapists inside our homes. Although a lot of people may be experiencing the benefits of therapy that’s down online for the first time others may be concerned about the issue of privacy. Now we are not speaking about the privacy about what to tell your therapist. That will always remain confidential whether you tell them online or in person. We are talking about your housemates, roommates, and other members of your family listening to an intimate conversation with your therapist.
It is safe to assume that most of us most of the time do not want anyone else to know what we talk about during our therapy sessions. After all, therapy is supposed to be our safe space to talk about whatever and anything we would like to talk about without any judgment. Plus sometime we would like to talk to our therapist about the people we live with and how they affect us. It is normal to get worried about your housemates listening in to your online therapy sessions where you can comfortably complain about their eavesdropping. While it may require a few adjustments when you switch over to virtual therapy while living in the coronavirus era it is certainly worth it. Once you become comfortable with the new method of therapy you will soon reap the gains as you would expect to in a normal in-person therapy session according to Talkspace.
How To Keep Up Privacy In A Online Therapy Session
It doesn’t matter whether you have been using teletherapy for a few weeks or a few years here are some helpful tips that will help keep your privacy during your Talkspace therapy sessions
Use Your Headphones
One way you can reduce the chances of your roommates listening in to your therapy sessions is by using a pair of headphones instead of using speakers or your phone. It is a very easy way to get some privacy at least on one side of the conversation
Go For A Walk
Talk and walk therapy is quickly becoming a popular thing that is being incorporated into virtual therapy. Just put on your headphones and you are now ready to have your therapy session on the go. Plus if you are sitting at your desk the whole day or maybe working from home, it is great to go out, stretch your legs, and get a change of scenery. This will greatly benefit your mental health. Though when you are outside it is important to be aware of your surroundings while you are on a phone or video call so be careful that you don’t get distracted and trip or fall into any manholes or any poles. Though this method works best for audio-only therapy sessions.
Sit In The Car
If you own a car you use it and easily convert it into a makeshift therapy office when your car is parked(we recommend that you don’t have therapy while you are driving this is because you will be distracted while you are driving)Most cars are almost soundproof so if you sit in your car while it’s parked in a parking lot, on the street or in your driveway you relaxed assured that your family member or your roommates will not be able to listen in to your therapy session. Make sure you have good service so that you can have video or audio in peace without any interruptions.
I’m a 20-something stay-at-home mother and wife. I have an amazing husband, a beautiful daughter, two loving dogs, and a lazy cat. I wouldn’t change my life for anything! I love to read, listen to music, cook and blog!
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