The 4 Best and 4 Worst Snacks for Your Kiddos

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Kids are notoriously picky eaters, so snack time provides an opportunity to sneak in extra nutrients. These daily snacks provide youngsters with energy to help them focus throughout the day. Kid-friendly packaging may stand out in the grocery store, but that doesn’t mean the products are healthy.

Instead of guessing while walking through the store, review these four best and four worst snacks to make healthy choices.

The Best Snacks

These four snacks offer essential vitamins and nutrients without compromising on delicious taste. Your kiddos will love seeing these items in their lunch boxes, and you can rest assured that they’ll stay energized while at school or playing sports.

1. Trail Mix

Trail mix is the perfect snack option because it’s incredibly customizable. While nuts are usually the main ingredient, you can also add dried fruit, seeds, and dark chocolate to provide variation. It’s easy to store and pack-up for on-the-go snacking. Best of all, if your kid spills their mix, it’s easy to vacuum up without leaving stains.

Nuts are good for heart health because they’re packed with fiber, protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin E. They also have unsaturated fats, which are known to lower cholesterol levels. Keep in mind nuts have high-calorie content, so you’re kiddos should still consume this healthy snack in moderation.

2. Oatmeal

Kids can eat oatmeal for breakfast or as a snack. While it’s nice on its own, you can also add oatmeal to other recipes like muffins and snack bars to create healthy bites. This delicious ingredient is gluten-free and packed with fiber to keep kids feeling full for longer. Research indicates it can reduce sugar spikes which is beneficial for any children with diabetes. It is also full of minerals like zinc which strengthens the immune system.

3. Fresh Fruit

Fresh fruit contains natural sugar, which will entice your kids to finish their plate. While it’s still important to eat in moderation, unprocessed natural sugar is healthier than processed sugars and artificial flavorings. Fresh fruit also contains essential vitamins and nutrients, which will give your child energy and support healthy development.

Fresh fruit is low in fat, sodium, and calories, making it the perfect snack for kids. Remember to skip the caramel, chocolate, and whipped cream fruit dips to make it as healthy as possible.

Popular kid-friendly fruits include:

  • Oranges
  • Grapes
  • Berries
  • Apples
  • Bananas

4. Cheese

Dairy products, like cheese, provide kids with calcium and vitamin D. Most children do not consume the recommended amount of dairy for their age group. This increases their risk for injury and rickets since they are missing out on healthy vitamins and minerals. When choosing what types of cheese to feed your children, look for pasteurized varieties that are full fat.

It’s best to avoid mold-ripened cheeses since some types contain listeria, which can make young children sick with food poisoning. Other cheeses, like cheddar, parmesan, and Monterey jack, are safer snacking options.

The Worst Snacks

With the good comes the bad, and the four snacks listed below are some of the worst. Most have high sugar and salt contents and lack nutrients vital to child development.

1. Raisins

Many parents reach for raisins thinking the dried fruit would count as a sweet and healthy snack for their kids

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