The Benefits of Castor Oil for Natural Beauty

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Natural beauty can include the use of many products, and one that you might want to look into is castor oil. It’s a pale, yellow substance that offers better nails, improved skin, and nicer hair. It comes from castor beans, and it’s easy to find.

Using the Oil

Many people use castor oil to promote natural hair growth, since it can support hair, scalp, skin, eyelashes, and lips. It’s simple to use. With so many castor oil benefits, it is easy to purchase it at your convenience. For example, if you have rough cuticles, you can eliminate them with the substance. Having cracked, dry cuticles doesn’t feel good, and it’s important to keep them healthy since they protect your nails. Castor oil has a lot of fatty acids that can hydrate your skin and nails. You can put it on before you go to bed. If your hands are really dry, you might want to wear gloves after applying it.

Hydrating the Skin

Adding this natural moisturizer to your skin can give it a more youthful, dewy look since it acts as a lubricant. Having well-hydrated skin looks better than having extremely dry skin. And the substance can often decrease inflammation since it has antioxidant properties to it. You might add a few drops to your favorite moisturizer and use it throughout the day. Apply some after you step out of the shower to help seal in the moisture. 

Consider making a face mask part of your routine and seek out brands that contain this ingredient. This can be a good way to intermittently give your skin a boost of hydration. Of course, not everyone can benefit from using it. For example, if you have eczema, it might irritate the skin. And if you struggle with acne on your skin, you might want to limit your use of the substance on it. 

Using it on Hair

Castor oil is a type of lubricant, so if your hair is frizzy or dry, it might help make it look smoother. Still, other types of oils can offer these same benefits. Just make sure that you only use a tiny bit at a time. Otherwise, you run the risk of your mane looking too greasy.  Used in the right amounts, it can make strands look shinier, however. It causes the strands to reflect light differently, so they tend to look smoother and silkier. However, if you use too much, it can also lead to mats, so you might want to mix it with another oil, like coconut. Use it as a treatment with a one-to-one ratio. Gently massage it through and then comb it gently. Put a shower cap on for a few hours and then rinse it well.

There are a lot of things that can cause hair damage, including dye, over-drying, and harsh shampoos. Even environmental aspects, such as the sun or pollution in the air, can damage your strands. The good news is that castor oil can combat these issues by offering hydration to the shaft and follicles in the scalp. Plus, it can reduce inflammation in the scalp. You might choose to put it in a homemade hair mask each week.

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