The Busy Mom’s Guide to Shipping and Delivery

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Shipping and Delivery

In 2021, online e-commerce sales totaled almost $222.5 billion, which represents 13 percent of retail sales in the United States. 3 out of 4 women identify as the primary shoppers for their household, so it’s safe to say that moms are contributing a large portion to that total. As the primary decision-makers for important household purchases, moms spend a lot of time shopping for their families online.

Benefits of Online Shopping for Stay-at-Home Moms

Shopping online provides many benefits for all the busy moms out there. You can shop from the comfort of your home without worrying about packing the kids up and navigating them through stores. You can research your purchases and shop around for the best deals with just a few clicks. It’s a lot simpler than driving around town and going from store to store to mark off your whole list.

Though there are multiple benefits to shopping online, there are a few inherent differences. For example, dealing with shipping and delivery of items. Even if you find a great product for a good deal, shipping and delivery confusion can often spoil things. If purchases take too long to ship or cost too much to deliver, it can negate the ample benefits of online shopping.

Shipping vs. Delivery

In the simplest of terms, shipping refers to the date a product will leave the warehouse, while delivery refers to the date that a product will arrive on a customer’s doorstep. The delivery date is usually no more than a general estimate. You can usually find the shipping date and the delivery date when buying products online. Some companies categorize objects that can be packaged and sent using a postal service under shipping. They categorize larger objects that require the help of a delivery person under delivery.

Overnight Courier Services

Overnight courier services are e-commerce delivery services that make sure customers get their orders within one business day. It is also referred to as 1-day delivery and next-day delivery. Online retailers offer overnight shipping options to stand out from competitors and gain new customers with speedy deliveries. Overnight courier services can make online shopping more expensive, but the prices vary based on a few factors. Package size and weight, carrier shipping rates, shipping distance, and delivery time frame all affect the price of overnight courier services.

Most Popular Shipping and Delivery Services

When it comes to e-commerce in the US, a handful of companies reign supreme as the most used shipping and delivery services around. All of them offer overnight courier services. The United States Postal Service (USPS), the United Parcel Service (UPS), FedEx, DHL, and Amazon are all the most used shipping and delivery services by companies in America. There are 256,633 courier and delivery service businesses in the US in total.

The Big Picture

You don’t have to sacrifice the many benefits of online shopping as a busy mom dealing with shipping and delivery hassles. Now you know the difference between shipping and delivery, the benefits of overnight courier services, and the most popular delivery services in the US. You can confidently shop without worrying about unnecessary stress. Shipping and delivery will always be a part of e-commerce, but they don’t have to be overly complicated. You can save time and money with online shopping and enjoy the delight of finding new products on your doorstep!

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