Much like the earth itself, water makes up 2/3 of our bodies. It is vital that we drink enough daily fluids to maintain a healthy balance, and keeping properly hydrated during the colder winter months is no exception.
It turns out that there are a number of reasons that can make it harder to stay well hydrated during the colder months:
● You may not feel like drinking cold beverages when it’s cold out.
● Wearing thick clothing or lots of layers can cause you to sweat more.
● Dry winter air can reduce the moisture in your body more than in summer months.
● You may not feel as thirsty during the winter, making it easy to become dehydrated quickly.
● You may not be noticeably sweating, but you are losing water through your skin everyday and dry air from indoor heating can cause you to become dehydrated without knowing it.
● Colds and sickness may make you less likely to feel like eating or drinking, leading to dehydration. And, when you’re sick, you may be losing extra fluid due to a fever, vomiting, or diarrhea.
Water is the base for all of your body fluids – blood, saliva, sweat, urine, and joint fluid. Your body loses water when you go to the bathroom, perspire, and even just by breathing so you need to drink water to replace what you have lost during daily bodily functions. Check any symptoms you are feeling that may be related to dehydration:
Clues you are dehydrated
● Feeling thirsty
● Dark yellow or strong-smelling urine
● Urinating infrequently
● Feeling dizzy or lightheaded
● Fatigue
● Dry mouth, lips and tongue
● Dry skin
One of the simplest ways to improve your health is to stay properly hydrated. But fluid needs tend to vary. Are you consuming the right amount? Check out this hydration calculator for a general guideline on how much water you need to consume on the daily, based on your age, weight, climate and other factors.
Tips for Staying Hydrated in the Winter
Here are a few easy and simple ways to add more water into your diet:
● Warm it up. Don’t feel like drinking an ice cold beverage when it’s snowing? Drink room temperature beverages or enjoy a hot cup of herbal tea, or hot water with lemon.
● Add some flavor to your water. Keep it interesting by adding in lemons, limes, oranges, grapefruit, or other fruits to plain water to help you up your intake.
● Carry a water bottle with you everywhere you go for hydration on the go
● Be mindful of what you are drinking. Not all beverages are created equally. Caffeine and alcohol actually act as diuretics, causing us to lose more water. And increased consumption of sugary or fizzy drinks are associated with weight gain, tooth decay, type 2 diabetes, and other health risks.
Staying hydrated and healthy in cold weather climates this winter can be a breeze and your body (and skin) will thank you for it. For more information on keeping happy, healthy and hydrated without sugars, sweeteners, sodium or calories, visit True Citrus.

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