The Pros and Cons of Snap-On Dentures

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Dentures are a great way to restore your smile when the tooth disappears, but sometimes changes in the gums and bones may not be appropriate over time. Snap on dentures are tooth replacement options that may be more stable and reliable than traditional dentures. For natural-looking teeth – and believe there is no awkward slip – these removable teeth can be a great option for you.

Types of denture

Snap-on denture, also known as implant-assisted dentures or overdentures, can be handled not only by gums, but also by some residual teeth or metal posts placed in the jaw.

Conventional dentures are permanent teeth that are suitable for the dentist after the gums have fully healed. Alternate teeth are placed through the gums.

Overdentures are implants in some of the remaining teeth – or more often – in the gums. To fit the implant-supported overdenture, the dentist inserted metal posts into the jaw bone. 

Implant-supported teeth implantation

To fit the snap-on denture, an oral surgeon or implant dentist will perform a surgical procedure to insert the implant into the jaw bone. The implants look like small, metal cylinders or screws. Over the next two to six months, the bone will grow around the implant and they will be firmly embedded. During this time, the patient may immediately wear the tooth.

Most patients undergo a second surgery in which the dentist attaches the locator to the implant. These locators exit the gums and form the basis for dentures. After about two weeks of treatment, the tooth is in contact with the local population. Some locators allow the patient to close the tooth, while others permanently fix the teeth for implantation. If this is something that you are considering, be sure to do ample research to pick the right dentist. This can affect the quality of service and care that you receive, according to this dentist within concord. As such, be sure to ask around for referrals and recommendations. It will also be helpful to do your own desktop research beforehand.

The pros and cons of snap-on dentures

The Foundation for Oral Rehabilitation lists some of the advantages and disadvantages of implant-supported teeth. For patients who have difficulty eating and talking while wearing traditional teeth, implant-assisted teeth offer an option that is more stable and more likely to slip. These teeth may be more effective in attracting lost gingival tissue.Inserting implants into the gums helps maintain bone mass, and patients who wear traditional teeth may experience jawbone weakness and loss.

Despite these many benefits, cost is also an important factor. According to Dental Economics, the cost of implant-assisted teeth may be too high for some patients. Additionally, patients may not perform the surgery required to implant. However, the benefits offered can make snap-on teeth more expensive in the long run. Consult with your dental professional to determine the best option for you.

Cosmetic dentistry now allows you to design and choose your denture with your dentist, which will help you be a part of the entire process and contribute to your ultimate perfect smile. Now you can protect your teeth with pride in the knowledge that looks and feels good.

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