Things You Can Do To Avoid Back Pain

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If you have been sidelined by chronic back pain, you are not alone. In the United States, almost two-thirds of people suffer from lower back pain, and about 37% don’t find treatment for it. Back pain can be caused by trauma, say a fall or a car accident. However, the majority of back problems originate from doing daily activities such as reaching to lift an object, sitting in front of a computer in the same position, carrying shopping bags, and bending over to clean. You may need to book in to see a chiropractor to get some help with your back pain, Visit the website SC Chiropractic to get the best service. Also, back pain can develop in many people due to being overweight. The good news for those experiencing acute or frequent back pains is that they can be easily managed and resolved in a few weeks. In this guide, we discuss things you can do to avoid back pain and how to find a Tennessee spine surgery specialist, if required.


It may seem counter intuitive to start moving while your back is hurting. But, exercise is the most important thing you can do to prevent back pain. Light aerobic activities are sometimes what your body requires. It’s important to start small and try exercises like walking and riding a bike. This will increase the blood flow to your lower back. However,  you should first consult with your doctor about the exercises that are best for your symptoms.

Reduce Your Weight (If Overweight):

Being overweight and living a sedentary lifestyle have been linked to a number of health problems. Excess weight will shift your body’s center of gravity and make the back pain worse. To maintain healthy and pain-free backs, experts recommend keeping your weight within ten pounds of your ideal weight.

Pay Attention To Your Posture:

Maintaining proper posture is an easy way to keep your spine healthy. Supporting your back and maintaining proper posture can help reduce the severity of back pain, as poor posture and inadequate back support can strain muscles and put stress on the spine. In the long run, this stress will contribute to back pain.

Basically, good posture is keeping every part of your body in alignment with other parts. Good posture creates a balance between all parts, and so they are supportive of one another.

Find an ergonomic chair to keep your spine in the right position. Make sure your feet rest flat on the floor by adjusting the height of your chair. Change your sitting position at least once an hour. Maintain an upright posture while sitting by keeping your knees higher than your hips. Whenever you are seated, ensure that you do not place your wallet or cellphone in your back pocket.

Sleep Sideways:

Lower back pain can make it difficult to be comfortable enough to fall asleep. Although back pain is typically associated with sitting and standing, it can also be caused by lying down. Sleeping positions that contort and put pressure on the lumbar spine will cause pain in the lower back. The pain often gets worse when you sleep flat on your back.

According to the researchers, the best sleeping position for lower back pain is on your side. Keeping knees bent will help to maintain the balance of the body and reduce pressure on the back. Also, placing a pillow between legs can be helpful while lying down sideways.

For stomach sleepers, it is recommended to place a pillow under the abdomen; this will transfer all the pressure from the lumbar spine.

Lift Properly:

Improper lifting causes severe back pains. Learning the right techniques to lift will avoid problems like back and neck pains.

  • Before you start lifting, plan what type of weight you are carrying and where you will have to prevent awkward movements.
  • Always lift close to your body, hold the object firmly, and keep the balance close to the body.
  • Avoid walking on slippery surfaces.
  • Don’t attempt a lift unless you are certain you can do so safely.
  • Prior to the lift, practice the lifting motion and think about your motion.
  • Use leg muscles to lift the object.
  • Tighten your stomach muscle while holding the object.
  • Don’t twist when lifting.
  • If the object is of awkward shape and is too heavy, ask for help.

Quit Smoking:

Smoking causes serious health problems, and smokers are more likely to experience back pain than non-smokers. The reason for this is nicotine restricts the blood flow to the spine. Smoking reduces the amount of oxygen in the blood, which makes the muscles weaken. An unhealthy, weak back is more likely to cause accidental strains.

Although lower back pains can be avoided with different exercises and changing lifestyles, severe back injuries require fast medical treatment and even spine surgery.

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