Top 10 Taurus Season Affirmations

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Do you ever feel stuck? Does everyday seem like a vicious cycle, a boring routine that you so desperately want to get out of but just can’t? Looking for that perfect motivation to give you that extra boost for a wonderful change?

You don’t have to look far. Because everything you need is within you. Transformation does not happen overnight. You must train yourself to think of meaningful thoughts, put them into words. Be intentional. But most importantly, put them into action. This is best done by acting on your threads.

Threading Your Way to Success

So what exactly are “threads”? They serve as your sign, clue, or guide. It can be a strong gut feel, telling you to be somewhere, or be with someone. They can come in the form of unexpected opportunities. Your light-bulb moments. Even a gentle push inviting you to work with certain people or invest in a certain program.

For this to work though, you need a great catalyst, a change agent to set everything in motion. That’s where affirmations come in.

The Purpose of Affirmation

It doesn’t matter if you say it out loud or just in your head. Some people may find this too awkward at first. Don’t worry because you’ll get used to it and will be enjoying it even before you know it!

Repetition As a Strategy

Repetition is key. This is no secret, really. It has been a strategy of multi-million dollar advertising agencies. This was before the advent of Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and other online marketing platforms. They bombard you with enticing information in print, radio, and television. until you actually believe what they say and eventually buy into it.

Fear vs Excitement

It’s easy to misinterpret excitement as fear. You suddenly feel anxious, overwhelmed, even a little panicky. This makes you believe you are totally and utterly terrified and afraid when what you’re actually feeling is excitement. Welcome these feelings and let them sink in. It’s part of the process.

Experience Shift = Action

Look for the signs and observe what’s happening around you. When you feel you’re being pushed in a certain direction, take heed and follow. Be brave and don’t be afraid to take a leap of faith. When you try, it’s either you win or you lose. But if you never try, you’re doomed for failure right off the bat.

TOP 10 Taurus Season Affirmation

Here are the Top 10 Taurus Season affirmations you can try.

1. There’s beauty everywhere: Taurus has that unique power to see beauty everywhere they go. This is the reason why they enjoy luxurious living and easily spot amazing quality.

2. Beauty is cultivated by me: Taurus not only appreciates beauty but knows how to cultivate it in itself. They are often associated with the Empress during a tarot reading.

She’s known as a creator and nurturer of things around her. Thus, you can also transfer this powerful energy in the Taurus season for you. Utilize this affirmation to your advantage.

3.I will freely enjoy myself: This can easily be misinterpreted as being materialistic or worldly. It’s not. This simply means self-care and self-love.

It’s so easy to feel guilty when treating or rewarding yourself even if you know you deserve it. A job well done, or a long-term goal accomplished. You feel greedy when you allow yourself to want more.

Don’t. Depriving oneself of life’s pleasures will be your biggest mistake in the end. Work hard, but also play hard!

4.Reliability is easy for me: Taurus are known to be reliable. Whether at work, at home, and in their community in general. Your friends love you because they know they can count on you anytime, anywhere.

Don’t waste this terrific energy. Make this affirmation a tool when envisioning yourself helping and caring for other people in need.

5.I will spread the love: Its association with Venus makes Taurus super familiar with love. Not only are they known to be romantic people, but their sheer altruistic nature makes it easy to build goodwill and trust with others.

Let that energy continuously flow within you. Don’t be afraid to spread the love!

6.I appreciate the simple things: You don’t need to constantly be in the night scene to be happy. Taurus enjoys the simple life. Being at home with their family. The mundane stuff.

The routine doesn’t bore or bother you. As a matter of fact, you take comfort in them. You appreciate the little things and never take them for granted.

7.I have positivity within me: Just because you’re not boisterous or excitable like Leo, you always have that spirit of optimism within you. You draw strength from this and spread the love around.

Taurus lends this optimism to people they love and everyone around them. Those that need support, a kind word, and some encouragement to carry on.

8.When tired, I rest, I won’t quit: In this fast-paced world, it’s easy to get exhausted. When life throws punches at you from all sides, don’t yield- learn to duck.

It’s perfectly normal to feel hopeless and just quit. Don’t. Rest if you must. But never quit.

9.I roll with the punches: You need more effort with this because change is not something Taurus is very good at. They like things planned, they love routine because they know exactly what to expect. So when the course of life shifts, they have difficulty adjusting.

You just need to learn to accept that the only permanent thing in this world is change. When things don’t go your way, stay calm. Take a step back, take deep breaths, and move on. That’s the only way to go.

10.I am exquisite, powerful, and reliable: This is the first thing you tell yourself when you get up in the morning. Look straight in the mirror and say it as you mean it. It feels weird at first. You’ll get used to it.

No one loves you like you. If you don’t give yourself these affirmations, don’t expect anyone else to do it for you. Again, you cannot pour from an empty cup. The only way to spread love and positivity to the world is to be positive and loving to yourself first.

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