While adults have a variety of choices on how they want to spend their day, toddlers, and young kids are limited by what we share with them. Their schedule circles around either sleeping, feeding or playtime. There is nothing much you can do about the first two but can make their playtime different, exciting, and creative every day by use of tools like toys. Play is the only way your child has the opportunity to demonstrate his or her abilities.
Exposing your child more to physical and mental activities enhances better growth and development. There are many good toys available from online stores at affordable prices while the mother gets valueq giveaways in return. These toys should not only make the playful but expand his cognitive capacity by being able to solve a few simple problems.

Growth benefit of toys
Kids’ love for toys is just obvious. They find toys being more responsive to their thoughts than adults. The best toys are more than fun and should also allow the child to learn by triggering their imagination and encourage social behavior. This is what to expect when you get your child the right toy
Keeps the child busy
Having fun while playing with toys is more or less automatic. Unless your child really dislikes the toy, he/she will always find something to do with it. In so doing, they become involved in their task and divert attention from you. Enough and assorted toys will keep your baby busy and let you go about your daily chores uninterrupted.
It also makes babysitting easier as the child becomes less fussy. Kids favor toys that play musical sounds and lights. You can imagine how tiring you can be for you to verbally sing to your baby for an hour, if not all day.
Instill responsible behavior
Responsibility may seem a big word with reference to a baby or a young kid. However, if they treasure what they own, they will learn to rake care of the same. Initially, when the kid is too young, this concept may be hard to measure. However, as children grow, they become aware when their toy isn’t functioning and is because they spoilt it. They henceforth become protective of their gadgets as they believe they are better in their own hands. Not unless you convince them otherwise. You will begin to see your child wiping, dressing, and even putting to bed a baby doll. Boys would be more interested in repairing their damaged cars and trucks.
Cognitive development
Another benefit of a good toy is the ability to cultivate the mind of the child and improve the thinking capacity. One way of knowing your child may be having a brain development problem is by the way he or she interprets the toys related activities. Toys for brain development always tend to have problem-solving activities with a reward for the same. Hence, your child will always try harder to solve the problem. The problem could be as simple as finding and pressing the right music button. Besides, most good toys come in different colorful designs meant to stimulate their senses and develop good vision.

Physical wellness
Even if you aren’t able to measure all the other benefits, you will notice improved physical movements from the day you introduced the toy. Playing with toys involves the use of hands to hold and legs to walk or crawl towards the toys. All these involve the use of body muscles. Hence your child will become physically fit, stringer, and even learn to walk faster and easier. They also learn how to hold items properly, and eventually learn to feed themselves earlier.
What to look for
Having known the benefits, what is the ideal toy to get your baby. What will advise you on the type of toy your child needs. There are thousands of toys out there and some have guidelines on which kids they are best for. However, here are a few tips to help you out;
Age bracket
Different toys are manufactured to suit different ages and would otherwise look odd if taken to the wrong child. Age factor has all to do with the physical fitness of the child to interact with the amount of struggle to make them grow from their comfort zone. Some toys that require strong handling may be unsuitable for breastfeeding babies. Age also looks at the level of development o major sensory organs like sight and sound recognition. Look for age numbers on the specifications if you aren’t sure.
Material structure and composition
A child can’t identify dangerous objects around him. Ensure the toys you purchase do no become hazards in your house. Depending on the age factor, is your child likely to injure himself with the joy. Are the accessories too tiny to swallow? In addition, the toys must be made from non-toxic and approved materials because children love to suck or put anything in their mouths. Certified brands guarantee the use of eco-friendly materials with zero poisonings.
A toy is worth the money should if it can last until your child outgrows its usefulness. Hence you don’t have to keep returning to the stores. It should be hard to break because kids are rough. It could also mean the toy offers an opportunity to modify or make adjustments to suit the different levels of growth and development.
In summary
No play makes Jack a dull boy. Toys offer kids an avenue to become playful while learning a few tricks in life. Playful kids grow to be physically stronger, and through interaction with educative toys, they also develop their thinking capacity. They also get the opportunity to learn how to take care of their items and learn the art of sharing. The benefits of getting your kid a toy today will outweigh the cost.
I’m a 20-something stay-at-home mother and wife. I have an amazing husband, a beautiful daughter, two loving dogs, and a lazy cat. I wouldn’t change my life for anything! I love to read, listen to music, cook and blog!
Hi Courtney,
I think that toys that promote cognitive development in kids are my favourite. I prefer Lego toys as they improve problem-solving, coordination and thinking capabilities in kids.