4 Unique Extra-Curricular Activities for Kids

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Kids need activities that can help them maintain a sound mind and remain focused. Curricular activities do that fairly, but extra-curricular ones do it well. Extra-curricular activities relax kids’ minds, enhance their focus, and make them catch fun. However, it’s not all extra-curricular activities that keep kids’ minds in good shape. That’s because some are too rigorous for them.

While selecting activities for kids, it’s essential to put their age into consideration. Also, it’s necessary to choose the ones that benefit both their body and mind. In this article, writemyessayz.com mentions four activities that are excellent for kids.

The Unique Extra-Curricular Activities

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1. Chess

Chess is an exciting game for kids. It relaxes the body since it requires only hand movement. It relaxes the mind also. Aside relaxation, it increases IQ of kids. It increases their ability to solve problems. Chess is a game that requires concentration. Regular playing of chess improves kids’ ability to concentrate on everyday activities. While playing chess, kids often try to predict opponent’s moves. This practice improves their ability to plan ahead in life. Age requirement goes as low as 3 years.

2. Golf

Golf is great for kids. It has no special requirement for participation. Short and tall kids have equal chance to play well. It makes them have better hand coordination and aids their vision. Also, it strengthens their spine and keep them fit. Speaking of its social benefit, it promotes friendship and teamwork. It benefits kids emotionally too. It’s a thrilling sport so it keeps kids very happy. Any child up to the age of 6 years can play the game.

3. First Lego League (FLL)

First Lego League is an international robotics competition that FIRST organizes for middle school kids. This competition prepares kids for future. It’s fun and very educative. Through it, kids will learn how to solve problems. They will learn coding and some aspects of engineering. Age qualification varies with country. For instance, in United States, kid must be within age bracket of 9 to 14.

4. Music

Music has magical effects on everyone who has connection with it. It’s a wonderful extra-curricular activity for kids. Some of them can learn how to sing, while others can learn how to play instruments. For some kids, learning both isn’t a big deal. Music can improve brainpower and boost creativity. Music is therapeutic as it can reduce stress levels and improve mood. As kids learn to play instruments or sing, they gradually build confidence. They will notice their developing skill, and this will boost their confidence. Mastery of music skills can make students realize that they have all it takes to master any skill in life. From the age of 2 or 3 years, a child can start learning music.


Kids can’t cope with loads of curricular work if they don’t have activities that refresh their mind and body. Extra-curricular activities provide students with the needed refreshment opportunity. Its usefulness in schools can’t be overemphasized.

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