5 Ways to Help a Friend Overcome Pain or Loss

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Whether it’s a breakup, a divorce, or even the death of a cherished loved one, it’s hard to overcome the experience of pain or loss. But pain and loss, and especially grief, are not meant to be endured alone. So, when a friend loses something (like a relationship) or someone quite dear to their heart, it’s important to be there for them every step of the way. 

However, it’s sometimes difficult to know what to do for them, or even what to say. Comforting them by sending flowers or a card, while a loving gesture, just doesn’t seem like enough. Instead, it’s important to realize that sometimes you don’t have to say anything. You just have to listen and stay by their side through these tougher times. If you struggle to find the words or know how to act, here are five ways in which you can help a friend overcome pain or loss.

1. Listen Well and Refrain from Giving Advice

Listening is the number one way to help a friend overcome pain or loss, being attentive to what they say. And if your friend is quiet, sit in silence and simply be present with them. They may still be reeling and processing their loss. Also, avoid giving advice or trying to explain the event. Your first inclination may be to give advice or reflect their feeling with a similar experience that you once had. While intended with a good nature, try to refrain from doing so. It’s not advice, but your sympathy and understanding, that they need.

In the same vein, avoid giving an explanation for their loss. Saying platitudes like

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