What Are Different Types Of Safes For Your Home?

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The first safe was created in the 19th century for the sole purpose of keeping the valuables secure from thieves and burglars. Then different developers started to make them more and more secure and advanced, such as fire retardant, waterproof, or accident resistant. Nowadays, safes are pretty unshakeable and come in various types and plenty of features. Whether it’s jewelry, cash, important documents, or other valuable items. A safe can provide absolute protection to your precious items in your home.

However, there are overwhelming options when it comes to choosing a safe to protect your valuables in your home, but it is not a daunting task because all you need is the right box to protect your possessions. Contacting a locksmith can be the right choice because they spend most of their time with strong boxes and are better suited to solve this problem. But if you want to buy a safe for your home, you must have a little know-how of different kinds of safes and the purpose they serve.

In this article, we will guide you about different safes and help you understand their features. So that you may choose the best safe for your home even without the help of a locksmith.

Features you must look for in a safe

Home safes come in different varieties and contain additional features. But what are the most important features that you must look for in a safe?

1. Water-Resistant

However, choosing a water-resistant safe may not be your first priority, but a water-resistant safe can help protect your important documents and devices.

2. Fire-Resistant

Sometimes your house gets burned, and you lose your important stuff in the fire. In order to prevent that from happening, you should choose a safe which is fire-resistant.

3. Strong and Sturdy

The most common way for thieves to open a safe is by damaging it. Therefore you should look for a safe that is strong and can withstand normal damage.

Different types of home safes

There are five different types of safes that can protect your valuables in your home. These different types of safes are:

  • Fire Resistant Safes
  • Security Safes
  • Data Safes
  • Gun Safes
  • Standalone Home Safes

1. Fire Resistant Safes

If you just want to safeguard your important documents that are of no use to thieves and burglars, then you just need a simple fire-resistant safe. Because a fire-resistant safe will not only keep your children away from your valuable documents but will also protect them from getting damaged. If your house burns down, an inexpensive fire-resistant safe can help in keeping your important documents safe.

Some common fire-resistant safes have the ability to withstand temperatures up to 1,700 degrees. Some special fire-resistant safes are designed to last much longer. So there is no need to worry that your important piece of paper will get burned in a fire-resistant safe. However, there is a small downside of fire-resistant safes, and that is these safes are less secure than security safes and gun safes that are specially designed to help you protect your possessions from theft or burglary.

2. The Security Safes

These kinds of safes are used when you want to safeguard your most precious valuables like jewelry or cash. These safes are smaller in size as compared to other safes and can be hidden easily.

They have thick doors and a seamless design to ensure that there is no way for a burglar to forcefully open them. The security safes provide the most security compared to all other types of safes. That is why they are only used to store the most valuable possessions. So if you want to spend some quality time with your family away from your home and want to make sure that no thief or burglar could keep his hands on your precious items, then you should use security safes to safeguard them.

3. Data Safes

Small portable safes that are used to protect your important stuff like laptops, USBs, Tapes, etc., are called data safes. Data safes are also small in size than other home safes, and that is why it is easy to move data safes without much trouble. They are quite secure and can protect your important devices and stuff from the hands of a burglar.

Data safes are also waterproof and fire-resistant and thus can save your important stuff from flood or fire.

4. Gun Safes

You may have kept some kind of firearms in your home to protect yourself and your property. So you also have to keep your firearms safe from getting into the wrong hands. Not just that! If you have small children in your house, it is mandatory for you to have a gun safe. Because when you apply for a gun license, the authorities inspect your property and check the place where you will keep your weapon. This means that if you do not have proper storage to keep your guns, your license application will get rejected.

Therefore, if a family is keeping a firearm in their house, then it is mandatory for them to have a safe that will keep their children safe and keep the unauthorized hands away from their guns, which will prevent misuse.

5. Standalone Home Safes

Standalone home safes are large safes that can be used to store different kinds of objects, papers, and devices. These safes are made of thick steel, while doors are protected with different kinds of locks like key locks, combinations locks, electronic and biometric locks. These safes are waterproof and fire-resistant and thus can provide complete protection to your stuff. But standalone home safes are gigantic and are harder to move, so only buy them when you are really in need. Otherwise, if you want to store your small possessions and important documents, then you should buy small and portable safes that will not only protect your stuff but will also be portable.


Now that you are completely aware of different types of safes and their best features. So now it will be really easy for you to choose the right safe for your home. Still, if you have some difficulty choosing the best safe for you and your home, you should contact a locksmith who will help you make the right choice.

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