What Are Some Foods You Can Eat Before a Workout?

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Exercise and workouts should be an important part of your daily routine. Whether for bodybuilding, weight loss, or general healthiness, it is important that we make it part of our itinerary. It is also important to eat the right foods before and after exercise. When you exercise, your body burns calories and as a result, you need to eat the right foods to boost the results of your workout session. It is also important to eat the right foods after exercise to maintain optimum energy levels, leave you refreshed, and move on to other daily tasks. 

Different studies have shown the many benefits of physical activity. It does not even necessarily have to be workouts alone, you can start by making every day more active. Small changes help too. Things like taking the stairs instead of the elevator, or parking further away from the parking lot can also go a long way to keep you fit.  

First of all, it should be noted that the timing of what to eat before exercise is key to any successful workout session. It is generally conventional to eat a full meal 2

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