What is The Strong Interest Inventory (SII) Career Assessment and Can it Help You?

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SII Career Assessment History

The SII is a career assessment that was created following WW I by E.K. Strong, Jr.  It was first published in 1927.  The Inventory was created to assess the career interests of males and females. There have been substantial changes and updates to the Strong Interest Inventory in 1981 and 1985 by Jo-Ida Hansen as well as in 1994 by Lenore Harmon and Fred Borgen.  These changes revised the major segments of the assessment.  Two segments were additionally added to expand the reliability and validity of the assessment.  

Start Here The 2004 revision exemplified a major breakthrough for the SII Assessment, with modifications to all, of the significant portions of the assessment, and is widely known to be the gold standard of occupational interest inventories available to the public. Along with the 2004 validity re-design, the Occupational Scales were revised in 2012. Updated information gathering techniques along with digital-age technology has allowed a more exact demonstration of wide-ranging populas interests.  Alterations to the question have greatly improved the accuracy of varied representation of results.

What Is The Strong Interest Inventory Career Assessment?

The Strong Interest Inventory

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