What to Eat and Drink (and Avoid) when Breastfeeding

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One of the hardest parts of pregnancy early on is changing your diet. There’s all kinds of lists you can turn to about what you should eat and drink during pregnancy. However, what you consume after you have a kid is just as important to consider.

This is especially true for breastfeeding mothers. According to KidslyMom.com, a mother’s diet is important to determine how healthy their breast milk is. It’s important to always remember that a health mom equals a healthy baby. Here are some foods to eat (and some to avoid) for breastfeeding mothers.

Foods to Eat

The best thing to keep in mind when trying to promote milk production is to eat a well-rounded diet. This includes lots of fruits and vegetables, as well as whole grains, protein, dairy and healthy fats.

Some people are surprised when they see fats and proteins recommended. But remember, you’re eating for two. That means you need to take in more calories than before. As long as these are from healthy sources, then you are sure to turn these nutrients into healthy breast milk for you baby.


-Citrus fruits (lemons, limes, oranges, grapefruits, etc.)





Tip: If it’s the wintertime or you live somewhere where it’s hard to get fresh fruit, get them frozen to put in smoothies or as dried snacks for on on-the-go.


-Leafy greens



-Sweet potatoes

-Winter squash

Tip: Make a big salad for lunch that uses different kinds of vegetables. If you’re eating out, substitute sweet potato fries for regular fries.

Whole grains


-Whole wheat bread


-Whole grain cereals


Tip: Look for cereals that have multiple types of whole grains.



-Regular yogurt

-Greek yogurt

-Cottage cheese

Tip: If you have dairy allergies, get fortified milk substitutes to make sure you get enough calcium and vitamin D.





-Lean beef


Tip: If you are vegetarian make sure you are getting meat substitutes that are high in protein.

Healthy fats



-Olive oil

-Grape seed oil

-Chia seeds

Tip: Use olive oil instead of vegetable oil for cooking. If you need a high heat burning oil for frying foods, use avocado oil.

Foods and Drinks to Avoid

Just as important as what foods you should eat are the ones you should avoid. There are all kinds of suggestions out there. Many of them are just old wives tales, but here are a few things that you should refrain from eating.

Raw/under-cooked meat and seafood

This one can be tough for sushi lovers and those who like to order their steaks rare. But raw and under-cooked meats and seafood can contain unhealthy organisms for you and your child, so it’s best to avoid these.

Fish with high levels of mercury

While some fish are a great choice for protein, others should be avoided. High levels of mercury are not good for newborn babies. Avoid fish such as ahi tuna, swordfish and mackerel that contain high levels of mercury.


Avoid alcoholic drinks if possible for breastfeeding mothers. If you do have an alcoholic drink, make sure to have reserved breast milk stored for your kid. Pump and discard milk for at least 12 hours after consuming alcohol.

High fructose corn syrup

Avoid high fructose corn syrup whenever possible. This ingredient is found in all kinds of foods and drinks, especially sugary snacks and sodas.

If you need something for your sweet tooth, switch to alternatives that are sweetened with real cane sugar, honey or other natural sweeteners.

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