Why It�s Important to Teach Your Child a Foreign Language at a Young Age

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We are all faced with a serious challenge these days to do our best to keep ourselves and our children healthy while being constantly locked inside our homes. However, one of the positive things we enjoy is the extra time available to spend with our kids. Moreover, in such circumstances, when children must proceed with the education process from home, the role of the parent is extremely important.

These circumstances in which a parent is a teacher might be the perfect time to start introducing a foreign language to your child. Supposedly some children have already started learning a foreign language at school, however, helping them become fluent in a shorter period of time is very beneficial. 

Luckily we live in a digital era and have easy access to information and online learning platforms. Therefore, you can choose one-on-one tutoring for your child on platforms such as https://www.livelingua.com.

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Learning and becoming fluent in foreign languages seriously helps your child in many ways. Some parents even decide to improve their foreign language skills by using online tutoring and teach their children through communication. Moreover, bringing up your child to be bilingual ana even multilingual has some serious benefits for the development, academic performance and future life and work opportunities. Let’s take a look at those.

The Brain Development

Children that are born and raised in bilingual families enjoy growing up speaking two languages fluently. For years, science has observed such children in order to decide if this is beneficial or bad for the development of the talking, comprehending skills and the brain. Some misconceptions led parents to believe that children might get confused if they are raised listening to two different languages, however, science has proven this to be wrong.

The truth is, a child at an early age has the ability to grasp different languages and even develop proper pronunciation. Moreover, through communication, the child unconsciously becomes fluent in two languages. Later on, when the child starts understanding the differences it won’t have any problems shifting seamlessly between the two languages. Moreover, it was confirmed that during the process of grasping languages and gaining the ability, the brain develops differently. Moreover, the brain formes better connections between hemispheres and builds white and gray matter that bring many other benefits for the cognitive and learning abilities of the child. 

Children that are raised as bilingual and children that start learning and becoming fluent in a foreign language at a very young age, have the same predispositions to build an awesome brain and enjoy all the benefits that follow. 

The Skills Development

As mentioned above, when learning and speaking two or more languages at a very young age a person enjoys better brain development. The

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