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As humans, we have many priorities in our lives. There is not a standard sequence to it. These priorities get changed, added or deducted differently at any phase of your life. When you are younger and care-free, you don’t think about much as you are not exposed to difficult times and harsh realities of life. In adulthood, usual priorities are financial prosperity, social needs, necessities, etc. Whereas, in the later stages of life, things get settled and people usually get the time and mental space to think beyond work, finances, and responsibilities.

However, no matter if you set your priorities or not, every phase of life brings new challenges, benefits and perspectives and whatever you have done in previous phases will surely bring repercussions ahead. For example, if you invested financially earlier in your life, it will bring financial prosperity later on.

Interestingly, in the hustle and bustle of the urban lifestyle, we tend to set our priorities incorrectly. One of the most important elements of our lives is health, yet we don’t take it seriously or simply don’t think about it altogether. Thinking about our physical and mental health is crucial and important as most of our functioning depends primarily on this. After all, no one can enjoy a good professional career, financial prosperity, and a wide social circle with poor health.

The concept and meaning of good health don’t only mean to have a physically fit body without diseases. It goes beyond that. It also includes improving emotional health, physical agility, and strength.

There will be hundreds of benefits and reasons not to overlook one’s health and can’t be possible to list down all. Let’s explore some of them below to motivate yourselves to put it at the top of the priorities list:

  1. Everyone hates to be unwell:

Have you ever come across a person who believes that it’s better to be bed-ridden and sick rather than be fit? I don’t think so. Taking care of your health simply keeps you from being sick.

One important tip to take care of your health is to be educated about taking care of yourself even if you become unwell because of any reason. We should invest our time and resources to gain such knowledge through different curriculum and courses like nursing certificates online etc.

  1. Better Health means Better Human:

Good health ensures that we feel well and live well. And in that way, we can be a better person, friend, spouse, etc. to the people around us.

  1. More Energetic:

Only a healthy body and a healthy mind have the required energy to commit to his or her goals and to achieve the desired goals. Therefore it is necessary to take care of your energies for the right targets rather than wasting it on menial matters and unnecessary things. 

  1. True and Inner Beauty:

No matter how many beauty products and cosmetics you apply on your skin, it will only provide temporary and artificial beautification. However, if you take good care of your body, mind, and soul, your interior and exterior of the body will radiate with real beauty. The natural glow of skin comes with a better temperament of your health and no artificial application can beat that wonder.

  1. Money-Saving:

No other benefit can outweigh this positive effect of being healthy. Money is a touchy subject for many of us. Most of us are working our capacities out and thinking all the time to make more and more money and to achieve the status of financial independence. Maintaining and staying healthy has the biggest motivation without any argument. Staying healthy would keep you from being absent from your work and a healthy mind improves work performance, resulting in more promotions and money.

On the other side, maintaining health keeps you away from diseases. It saves you from the hassle of medical bills and doctor consultation fees too.

  1. Increased Confidence:

Confidence is one of the pre-requisite for any avenue in your life. Staying healthy increases confidence as you feel well internally and want to conduct your activities with positive energy and zeal altogether. 


Anyone cannot deny the importance of a healthy body and mind. Therefore, it is essential that we critically evaluate our daily actions, daily routines, physical activities, food intakes, eating patterns and sleep schedules, and do identify the loopholes that need to be fixed for the betterment of the health. Similarly, it is important to set health goals just like we set other goals, with precision, clarity, and line of actions. For example, instead of having a goal of

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