7 Practical Tips to Keep Your Carpet Clean Longer

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There are few things more beautiful than a freshly cleaned carpet. Beautiful, clean carpeting can change the look of a room instantly. For people who have carpeting in their homes, they never realize quite how much a dirty carpet is ruining the look of their home until they see it freshly cleaned. Suddenly, the entire room looks brand new, reminding them how beautiful the carpet was when they bought it.

Now they’re nervous. How are they going to keep the carpet from sliding back into its dodgy past? They fight they urge to ban everyone from entering the room. They want to keep this gorgeous, new

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  1. I know that hardwood floors are all the rage, but I love a good carpet! We get ours professionally cleaned about once a year (maybe I need to bump it up like you suggest!) and we don’t wear shoes indoors. We also have a little robot vacuum who does all the vacuuming for me! All of these steps seem to keep our carpets in good shape! I will admit that we have a very cheap rug over the carpet in our playroom because the kids are messy. When they get older, we’ll take the rug off and have clean carpet so we can turn the room into an extra bedroom.

  2. Love these tips. Great advice

  3. Thanks for the post!

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