7 Ways To Minimize Care and Maintenance Cost of Your Home Lawn

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Most people think in terms of things that happen inside the house when looking to lower the cost of maintaining their home. They usually consider solutions like lowering the cost of monthly utility bills and saving on family groceries. However, many homeowners overlook the significant savings that are available to them by saving money on the cost of maintaining their lawns.

The following seven tips are great ideas for reducing the care and maintenance cost of your lawn.


Grass that was planted three or four decades ago is probably more susceptible to disease and will need to be watered more often. Newer species of grass are more resistant to drought and disease.

There is no need to pull the old grass up in your yard and replace it with a more recent species. You only need to add the seeds of a more heartier species to the lawn. Reseeding can also prove beneficial to newer lawns that may be worn out or discolored in patches.

It is best to add new seed to your lawn in the fall so that spring will bring a yard full of green grass. Seeding in the fall gives grass the time it needs to develop and grow before spring. This will cause the seeds you use to provide your lawn with maximum benefit and you will save money in the process.

Timed Water And Fertilizer

Homes with irrigation systems can watch their monthly water bill greatly increase. A common mistake is to turn on sprinklers during times of the day that is hot and dry. The water is more likely to evaporate in these conditions. Other homeowners choose to water their lawn in the nighttime hours. This practice is also problematic because it can increase the risk of fungus and disease affecting your lawn. Experts generally concur the best time for watering a lawn is in the early morning hours between four and eight. If your sprinklers are attached to a hose, you can install a hose timer to ensure that not only is your lawn watered at this optimal time, but also for just the right amount of time so that you are not wasting water.

A lawn should be fertilized about once every six weeks. Lawns with irrigation systems will require a little more fertilizer to be used than those that do not use sprinkler systems. A slow-release fertilizer is suggested so that the energy is released to the grass over time.

7 Ways To Minimize Care and Maintenance Cost of Your Home Lawn

Mow For Length

Closely cropped lawns are great for golf courses. However, close cuts may not be the best option for the homeowner looking to save money on lawn maintenance. Taller grass does not need to be watered as much as lawns that are closely cropped. You should set your lawnmower so that no more than the top third of the grass will be cut when mowing the lawn.

More leaf surface for grass also means the root systems will grow longer. Deeper root systems allow water to reach deep into the soil. Lawns with deeper root systems do not have to be watered as often.

Synthetic Grass

The answer to saving money on lawn maintenance for some homeowners may lie with an artificial grass company.

Artificial grass does not require much maintenance and saves the homeowner money on utilities. The most obvious money-saving aspect of artificial grass is there is no need for watering. Artificial grass also does not have to be cut and there is no need for fertilizer. Maintenance responsibilities are also decreased due to the fact no weeds will grow in artificial grass.


Scraps of vegetables, clippings of grass, and other organic material can be used to develop free compost to enhance the soil in your yard. The compost is great to use as mulch when placed around trees and fertilizer for your grass.

Household waste placed into a small compost bin can produce 40 cubic feet of compost on an annual basis. A cubic foot of compost purchased from a commercial location costs approximately $5. This means the waste you would normally scrape down the drain or take to a landfill can be worth at least $200 a year to you.

A mulching lawnmower can also help homeowner collect compost. Mulching lawnmowers chop the grass that is cut into tiny bits that can be used for compost.

Plant Shade Trees

This tip will not pay dividends due to the amount of growth time needed, but once a tree is big enough to provide shade to your home it can significantly affect the cost of cooling your home.

Most people believe that planting trees on the south side of the home provides the best protection from the heat. However, the best course of action is to plant trees on the east and west sides of the home. Trees planted on the south side of the home will deny access to sunlight in the winter and increase heating cost.

The potential savings from shade trees are well worth the cost of planting and the effort it takes to grow the trees. Depending on the environment where you live, one shade tree can lower utility bills as much as three percent went planted on your home’s west side.

Keep Outdoor Furnishings

A bit of creativity coupled with a lot of elbow grease can be all that is needed to save money on yard furnishings. If you have ceramic pots that have seen better days, it is not necessary to make new purchases. Instead, you can use special paint to give your old ceramic pots an expensive glazed look.

This simple DIY project is capable of bringing immediate color and style to your yard and patio.

The same approach can be taken to patio furniture that is a little worn and tired looking. All that may be needed for the furniture to look new again is a quick sanding job and a good coat of paint.

The Bottom Line

There are many savings to be obtained in both time and money for the savvy homeowner looking to save on the expense of maintaining their lawn. The seven tips above are a great place to start for homeowners who wish to take advantage of the time and money savings available to them.

7 Ways To Minimize Care and Maintenance Cost of Your Home Lawn #home #garden #yard #lawn

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