5 Reasons why you keep seeing 111

All of us underwent a situation where we felt like we were alone. All the questions we have in mind, and the challenges that constantly push us backward, seem hopeless to win by our remaining strength. When we were kids, we used to hear repetitive advice from our parents that we had to ask for guidance from our guardian angels because they were all eyes and ears on us. We are not alone every step of the way, knowing that they are by our side.  Indeed, we cannot see them even if we use an … [Read more...]

How to Get Through a Crisis of Faith After Your Cancer Diagnosis

Struggling to deal with your cancer diagnosis? Is it causing a crisis of your faith and belief systems? You're not alone... The ever-present threat of cancer upturns peoples' lives every single day. You might have received your diagnosis early on, and it's saved your life. You might have experienced delays in diagnosis for cancer, which has exacerbated the illness, meaning the treatment and prognosis is much more aggressive. Alternatively, it might be your family member who has received … [Read more...]

Memorable Ways to Celebrate Your Child�s First Communion

Catholics around the world recognize a child's First Communion as a monumental occasion. Not typically done until a child is seven or eight, First Communion symbolizes a child becoming part of the Catholic church. It's their agreement to the faith and willingness to abide by it. It's usually done at the Eucharist, which is symbolic of the Last Supper for the Catholic faith. Everyone dresses up, typically in white, and there's usually a party afterward�especially in Italian Catholic families. I … [Read more...]

14 Gift Ideas to Create a Special First Communion

First Communion is such a momentous occasion for children growing up in the Catholic faith. Their first opportunity to participate in Holy Communion, First Communion signifies their dedication to the Catholic faith and symbolizes their growth. It's an important time for parents and kids alike, but it also comes with another aspect that many don't realize�gifts! Yes, you should give a First Communion gift, even if you're not Catholic. First Communion is an important milestone for a child, an … [Read more...]

The Message of the Angels and the Main Secret of the Universe

Humanity has been fighting over the riddles of the universe for as long as it exists. The very fact that all attempts to open the veil of secrecy have not led to any results so far should have prompted us to think that we probably chose the wrong method to look for the truth. We need answers to all questions at once: where are we from? where are we going? how does everything work and how should it end? In other words, we are trying to break open the tightly locked front door, covered with the … [Read more...]

Jesus & Justice- Pastor Mike Patz?

A Positive Experience for all of His creation.  The Word justice is included throughout the bible and often mentioned in church and service. But how can we address the disparities that still exist in our world today? As disciples, we have something to say and do about it! Pastor Mike from Greenhouse Church in Gainesville, Florida, will pave the way for us to follow the calls of justice and make a difference in our society.  As we make our way through the Scriptures and … [Read more...]

What It Means To Be Healthy

Healthy can mean different things to different people. The reality is that health not only consists of your body and physical being but it also includes other aspects of your life being in good condition. A person should not only be physically healthy, but they should also be mentally, spiritually and financially in good condition as well. This will allow you to live your life optimally. Physical Health When people talk about health, your physical health is what comes to mind. How do … [Read more...]

10 Important Reasons to Go to Church Every Sunday

Religion is almost as old as man. The earliest evidence of faith dates back to the Middle and Lower Paleolithic periods hundreds of thousands of years ago. Yet here we are, in the 21st Century, still practicing a unified devotion to religious spirits. Is going to church on every Sunday important? Why do people go to church on Sunday? Does practicing strong faith lead to a more fulfilling life? What are some reasons to go to church? The answers to these questions differ for everyone. It … [Read more...]