How Can I Get Rid of Extra Fat in My Upper Arms and Thighs?

Every day, many people have issues with extra body fat. When a proper diet does not eliminate fat rolls, liposuction is frequently a feasible alternative for achieving the desired body shape. This surgical procedure can be used to target a variety of areas, including the abdomen, hips, and thighs. If excess fat is only located in the belly area, tummy tuck surgery can be done to remove it and improve your abdominal region. Unfortunately, some people have unreasonable ideas for their … [Read more...]

How Dangerous is Liposuction?

Where it used to be that cosmetic surgery wasn't very common, and when you did have a procedure done it was very taboo and quiet, today, people have embraced it in a much more open manner. People are not only having more procedures done, but are making sure they do their research on the procedure, and getting it out in the open. With all that said, cosmetic surgery is just that � surgery � and people still need to proceed with caution and ensure they are the right candidate, and that th … [Read more...]

5 Things You Should Know If You Are Considering Liposuction

If you need to remove extra fat and reshape your body, there is no better option than liposuction. Liposuction is one of the popular cosmetic procedures that remove fat from your body. But it is not a weight loss surgery procedure. Without any exercise and diet program, you can remove the body fat through this cosmetic procedure.  Usually, dermatologic surgeons do this cosmetic procedure on the belly, arms, hips, thighs, back, under the chin, buttocks, face, and other areas to enhance … [Read more...]

How Mommy Makeover Procedure Can Increase Your Self-Confidence

Most women who have given birth would have an evident effect on their body figures. During pregnancy, childbirth, not having the time to work out and eat right, distorts a woman's figure causing unwanted bulges. With all these happening, it makes most women lose their confidence, especially if the extra pounds are in different areas of the body. This makes it hard for most women to get back to their pre-pregnancy shape. has come up with a set of cosmetic procedures called … [Read more...]

Not Happy With Your Looks? Surgical and Non-Surgical Treatments to Consider

Society at large is at an interesting crossroads when it comes to physical appearance. At the same time movements like #BodyPositivity and #FatAcceptance are encouraging people to love whatever body they're in, cosmetic surgery in the US has been on the rise for the past 5 years. The same trend can be observed worldwide.  One of the driving factors in this increase may be just how often we now see ourselves in photos thanks to smartphones and social media. We've now got more … [Read more...]

Key Differences Between Fat Loss, Weight Loss & Fat Reduction

The main difference between losing fat and losing weight lies in the wording. Fat loss refers to fat in particular, while weight loss could be referring to the loss of fat, muscle, water or a combination of these elements. While losing fat isn't going to result in a dramatic difference on the scale, it's the first thing you would be focusing on if you want to get fitter and be healthier. Losing water weight will only have a negative effect on your muscles, so this is not ideal. It's … [Read more...]