What Are The Common Diseases During Winter and How To Prevent Them

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Winter invites warm cups of cocoa, thick sweaters, excessive weather changes, and loads of illnesses. With the already bone-chilling cold to bear, the added trouble of illnesses can be very daunting. The seasonal change can take a toll on your health and so it’s important to follow a healthy diet and take a few preventive measures. 

Here are a few diseases and ailments that are common during the winter, along with a few suggestions to prevent them.

Common Cold

The most common disease that can occur at any time throughout the year is marked by a runny nose, accompanied by a headache and a sore throat. It’s more common in children than in adults. At times, it can also show signs of chest congestion, continuous sneezing or even mild fever. Common cold usually occurs due to a combination of viruses and having low immunity. Although it isn’t a serious health issue, it’s better to prevent it because it can be contagious. And since the cold days call for staying indoors more, it can easily spread within the family. 

Prevention of the common cold requires switching to healthier habits in your daily life since it can occur anytime and anywhere. Eating healthy and regular exercise can improve your immunity. When you’re down with a cold, it is extremely necessary to have hot running water available in your house, as hot showers can help in relieving the symptoms. You can click here to find the most suitable boiler for your home, and get ready for winter. Also, since the germs responsible for this illness are commonly present in the air and on objects, it’s better to keep the house clean. Wash your hands regularly and avoid touching your face and nose.


Pneumonia, which is a lung infection, is actually caused by bacteria instead of a virus. It starts like the common cold and can lead to a fever and serious coughing. It is commonly seen in children. If the fever stays persistent and heavy breathing is noted, you might want to consider admitting your kid to a hospital for a steady recovery. 

Again, prevention requires healthy eating and regular exercise. Eat more vegetables and fruits, and try to quit smoking for better health. Keep your surroundings clean and wash your hands regularly. 

Sore Throat

Sore throats are also caused by viruses and weather changes. If it’s accompanied by a fever and vomiting, that could be a sign of a strep throat. It’s a bit more serious than a simple sore throat and you should consider taking a few days off and resting until you’ve almost recovered. The symptoms include an itchy throat, difficulty in speaking and swallowing food, pain, headache, and sometimes vomiting and fever.

Even if you feel the slightest itch, we’d suggest staying away from cold fluids. Take the necessary medication and gargle with warm, salty water. Drink lukewarm water instead of cold water, and consider turning to herbal teas with anti-inflammatory properties.


Bronchitis is a viral respiratory infection that usually targets babies under 2 years of age. The most common signs would include difficulty in breathing accompanied by a blocked nose. Mainly caused by a virus named RVS or respiratory syncytial virus, bronchitis causes kids to cough and wheeze uncontrollably, often leading to dehydration. It can last from 7 to 15 days and needs proper bed rest for complete recovery.

Often recovering on its own, this disease can mostly be prevented by staying hydrated and resting well. Since the symptoms and the onset of this illness are similar to a cold, strengthening your immune system can help. Again, you need to keep the house clean and avoid touching your face. Lastly, your physician might prescribe you the appropriate medication. 


Also known as the flu, influenza is another common winter disease that shows signs of fever, headache, cough, throat pain, muscle strain, and body ache. It is caused by a virus that commonly floats in the air during the cold days. In extreme cases, people can also experience chest pain and nausea. Patients with kidney issues or diabetes are more likely to suffer from influenza.

Yearly vaccination is necessary to protect yourself from influenza. Also, stay away from people who are already victims of the flu, as it can be contagious. Moreover, eating right is necessary to support your immune system and prevent virus attacks like this one.

If you happen to get sick this winter, remember to stay at home to prevent others from catching your illness. After recovery, clean your house thoroughly. Change your linens and towels and avoid sharing personal items with others, to create a healthier environment and to discard the germs. 

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