Why Is It So Important To Choose The Right Mattress?

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There are lots of blogs and online guides discussing the importance of mattresses. However, if you’re a just a person wanting to buy a new mattress, you probably don’t realize what’s the fuss all about. Unlike some other pieces of furniture, the bed is the place where we spend most of our time. It is especially important as it allows us to recharge our batteries and regain our strength. I don’t even have to emphasize how important good night sleep is.

With all that in mind, the mattress is something that allows it. While the size of the bed does play some part, it is this product that allows us to sleep properly. Depending on your size, weight, sleeping position, different products will have a different impact on your back. Sleeping on a bad mattress for a prolonged period of time can be disastrous for your back especially if you have some issues.

This is precisely why we invited Crystal and Justin from OurSleepGuide.com for this guide. Here are some professional tips that will help you choose the right mattress.

Expected budget

Most people don’t like spending too much money for a mattress.

They believe that it is nothing more than a piece of furniture. However, that is not quite true. These items are extremely important for our health especially if you had some back issues. A good mattress can also provide better sleep whether or not we realize this.

Based on these factors alone, it can easily be concluded that this particular product isn’t something you should skim on.

The products range from 300 dollars to a couple of thousands. There is a wide variety of items on the market which provide different support to back, adaptability, anti-allergic and heat properties etc. The price is also heavily affected by the material which is being used. Still, it doesn’t always mean that if you buy a more expensive product, that you will be better off.

No matter what you do, you should avoid cheaper mattresses. These products are meant for hotels, guest rooms and other places that are rarely used. If you were to sleep on such a product each day, it may have a negative impact on your back and overall health.

Mattresses that cost around $1000 are the safe bet. There are also some, more luxurious products which go from $1500 and upwards.

How long do mattresses last?

Because this is such a rare purchase, it is best to get a product that will last for a while. Quality mattress should last for at least 10 years. This longevity is affected by a number of factors among which quality and material being used are the most notable ones.

Some people change them after 8 years. While this is a bit extreme, it may be a good choice if you have back issues or if you simply like a perfect sleep. Most mattresses will last at least 15 while some of them can last up to 20 years.

Best time to change a mattress is when you notice signs of physical damage or if you notice that you’re sleeping poorly.

Importance of firmness

When buying a mattress, you have to place special emphasis on firmness.

Depending on the way you sleep, you will require a different firmness of a product.

There is a scale from 1 to 10 determining how soft (or hard) a bed is with 1 being the softest and 10 being the hardest.

For example, if you’re sleeping on the side, you will require a product that goes from 2 to 6. People sleeping on their back need a bit stiffer mattress ranging from 3 to 7 while people sleeping on their belly need stiffness from 4 to 7.

Make sure to check the way you’re sleeping and consult with a salesman prior to purchase. There are certain materials such as memory foam that adjust better to your body structure but still, you will have to find the right softness for your particular case.

These tips will be a good starting point for purchasing a mattress. Keep in mind that it can be made from various materials such as memory foam, springs, and latex. This is another factor you will have to discuss with your retailer.

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