10 Signs That You Have Your Guardian Angel Near You

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The concept of guardian angels traces its roots to antiquity. From the beginning of times, people have believed that every human being has an angel looking after him or her.  The angel stays with people through the life’s journey, protects and guides them. However, it is important that you believe in them and be positive about them. Only then they would be able to help you because they thrive on love and positivity. They can hear whatever you say, even if you do not say it aloud. For this reason, it is important to cultivate good thoughts to connect with them.

white angle

Can you Feel an Angel Touch You?

Connecting with your angels can be an amazing experience. It opens your energy channels and helps you feel positivity and warmth. While you can take help from a spiritual medium, you can also try to connect with them on your own. Sometimes, your angels touching hands and may also feel like connecting with you. At this point, you might be wondering what did biblical angels looked like. There are many signals that angels communicate to you. They want you to understand and interpret these signals and acknowledge their presence. Here are some signs that indicate that your guardian angel is somewhere near you:

  • You have a feeling that there is a loving presence always keeping a watch over you. It sounds scary but is not. The presence actually makes you feel safe and comfortable. It is more like a feeling of warmth radiating from the core of your existence.
  • You see a bright light appearing and then disappearing. The color of the light may be blue, gold, or any other color. It comes as suddenly as it goes away. The entire experience is divine and may happen while you are awake or while meditating.
  • If you find feathers around you often, it indicates that your guardian angel is nearby. Something special happens to lift your spirits wherever you are feeling low or going through a rough patch. You could see butterflies, birds, or doves that instantly make you feel calm and happy.  
  • You have to keep your senses vigilant to trace your angels. Try to hear your angels or recall seeing them in dreams. You can also experience their presence in the form of a physical sensation like someone touching you lightly. It could be like someone caressing your hand or stroking your hair.
  • Your guardian angel may also show their presence by averting problems. You may be close to having an accident or misfortune, but it could be prevented. Remember, this could be a signal that your angel is protecting you.
  • If you gravitate towards angelic things, it is another indication that you have a divine presence nearby. These things could include angel paintings, angel poetry, angel jewelry, and angel wings.
  • There is a sudden fragrance of exotic flowers near you and you can trace it nowhere. In fact, the fragrance could be something like you have not ever experienced before.
  • You may often see or feel someone following you around but the person may disappear suddenly. Several people have reported such experiences, with calm and beautiful people watching them and suddenly vanishing.
  • Angel numbers are the magical numbers such as 111, 222 and 333. If you visualize them a lot in one form or the other, there might be an angel close by. People may see them on currency notes or taxi numbers. Sometimes, the birthdays of your loved ones may even fall on such dates.
  • You may sometimes experience sudden changes in the temperature. It could be a strange chill or an unexpected feeling of warmth. It feels as if you are being engulfed by someone or something. The chill or warmth not just touches your body but reaches your soul too.

The feeling of being connected with your angel is a beautiful one. It is a sudden rush that comes and goes, but the peace it brings stays. If you are lucky, these signals will be clear to you and you would be able to read them. On the other hand, you can seek help to feel the divine presence. The best way to do it is with the help of a spiritual medium. These are the people who can act as the channel between you and your angels. They can connect you with them and help you to communicate too. But you have to make sure that you choose someone who is genuinely able to do it. You can look for qualified and experienced spiritual mediums and psychic readers online on sites like www.psychic2tarot.com.

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  1. I am always a believer of guardian angels. Others don’t believe in them but I think there really is a guardian angel who guides and guards me along the way.

  2. It’s really great to have our guardian angels with us always!

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