3 Fruits That Are Dog Friendly

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Sometimes knowing what fruits are safe for your pets can be a challenge, and it’s even harder when everyday snacks we would give to our kids could send your pooch to the emergency room. Even beyond the risk of racking up a bill in the thousands, the toxicity can cause lasting damage or in some cases be fatal. That’s why it pays to be educated on what can be safely given to your family pets. However, as with all good things, moderation is key. Fruit still contains sugars, and if your pet is diabetic or obese, discuss what treats may best accommodate their health needs with their veterinarian first.

Let’s take a look at some of the nutritious fruits we can share with our pets – and those we can’t. 


Apples can be sweet or tart and dry – or anywhere in between. That makes these tasty treats a good go-to for any family as you can always find a variety that will fit your tastes. They’re also well-loved by dogs and can be a nutritious and fiber-rich treat instead of high-calorie store-bought treats.

Core them, then cut them into bite-sized pieces for an all-natural and high-quality treat. The fiber will help to boost their digestive health, carbohydrates to help them feel energized and full, and vitamin C to help keep their immune systems strong.


Bananas can be a great treat for your dog as you can give them in many different ways. Rich in potassium, magnesium, fiber, and other vitamins, they are great for dogs of all ages but can be a blessing for dogs who have trouble chewing such as seniors or puppies. Try some of the following methods:

  • Freezing – Cut the banana into slices, then lightly brush them with lemon juice to prevent it from browning and becoming mushy, then place them in the freezer for a perfect summertime treat. Perfect for teething puppies.
  • Mix it up – Blend with peanut butter or yogurt to create a soft-serve-like snack. This can also be used as a filling for toys or to coax a picky eater.


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