3 Great Ways to Lower Your Stress Levels

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Stress is everywhere in our lives. It’s unavoidable, but it should not be unmanageable. When stress takes over, it can trigger larger mental health issues, like anxiety and depression. It can wear on our nerves and quite literally make us sick. Stress can hurt us physically and shorten our life spans.

Before I get started, make sure to check out this post on the Efficient Wellness Routine Guide for Busy People by Groom + Style! It is such a great resource.

If you’re struggling with stress, it’s time to take control. There’s some great stress management techniques here. Check out some more proven ways to cut down on stress.

Take a vacation

Not everyone can afford to drop everything and take a vacation right now, but everyone should try to plan out a way to take a break in the near future. When you work nonstop, you increase your stress levels and risk burnout. Burnout is a real condition with symptoms that include physical fatigue and an inability to focus.

Try to make time for a real trip. Go somewhere like Florida and see the sights. Days in the sun will help your body metabolize vitamin D, which will improve your mood and mental health, and activities such as West Palm Beach boat tours will give you wonderful memories and help you take your mind off work.

Studies show that you’ll return to work after a vacation feeling refreshed and focused. And you can keep up the good habits by focusing on work-life balance

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  1. […] so common that so many moms suffer from poor mental health ranging from the normal stress of being overwhelmed to post-natal depression or even psychosis. The big thing to remember here is that it’s not […]

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