3 Indications of Sleeping Disorder in Your Kid

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It’s hard for you to find out that your child might have sleep issues at night. Nevertheless, no dad or mom wants to see his or her children or daughter sleeping most of the time. Therefore, many parents often ignore how well their kids are sleeping during the night. Then, current studies show that approx 30 percent of kids might have some kind of sleep disorder in a family. 

Even as sleep issues could come with unstable levels of severity, and most of the time, it could be treated easily. What is essential is that parents distinguish the symptoms of sleep problems so that they can take their kids to a physician for appropriate treatment and learn about the fundamental causes, instead of treating the signs or symptoms solely.

If your child has trouble sleeping, first take his or her phone away. It is often the key reason why children stay awake at night. Here are the three other indications of sleeping disorder in your kid: 

1. Sleeping during the day 

It is one of the most common signs of sleep deprivation in children. It is fine if your kiddo falls asleep during the day once or twice. Then, if it becomes a habit, it is sleep disorder and means your child is not sleeping soundly at night. 

Your kid is sleeping all through the day, taking frequent naps when most kids do not do it, have issues waking up for school in the morning, or feels lethargic all day, it means that there are sleep disorders in children. The common symptoms are restless leg syndrome, sleep apnea, and narcolepsy. 

2. Snoring

When it comes to snoring, it is not harmful because it’s just a noise caused by the vibrations in the human airway. Then, these vibrations could result due to the blockage in which the air cannot access the lungs properly. It results in a sleep disorder in your child. Snoring in kids isn’t as frequently a precursor to some sleep issues as in the case of grown-ups. A couple of common reasons for snoring in kids are nasal congestion, respiratory infections, distended tonsils and/or adenoids, deviated septum.

Then, some kids who snore might have obstructive sleep apnea or OSA and approx three percent of kids are plagued with OSA. When your kid experiences increased snoring, you must take your child to a medical professional for the right treatment. 

3. Nightmares 

These mean scary dreams that happen during REM sleep and could awaken your kid, making him or her feel frightened, endangered, and scared, making falling asleep again hard. Infrequent nightmares are common in kids at about the age of three and could occur more often when your kiddo is 6-10 years old. Typically, the incidence of nightmares starts to minimize after your child is 10 years of age. 

Nightmares result in sleep issues if these are very common and awaken your kid frequently at night. It could upset your kid’s sleep and lead to anxiety as well as behavioral problems, or sleeping throughout the day. PTSD can also result in nightmares.


Now that you know about these signs and symptoms of sleep issues in your kiddo, take him or her to a doctor once you notice these warning signs. 

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