4 Ways To Look After Your Brain Health As You Grow Older

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From eating a balanced diet to taking regular, gentle exercise, you are no doubt already aware of what you can do to look after your physical health as you age. However, what about maintaining your brain health? With instances of age-related cognitive diseases such as dementia on the rise, it is essential that you keep your brain fit and healthy to help reduce your risk factor for such illnesses as you age. With that being said, here are four ways to look after your brain health as you grow older.

  1. Eat for brain health

Your diet is key to providing all the necessary nutrients for a healthy body, and the same is true for brain health. Look to supplement your diet with foods that support brain functions, such as fatty fish like salmon and sardines, which are rich in the omega-3 fatty acids needed for brain health. Although you should always aim to get your vitamins and minerals through your diet, if you feel that you could do with a boost and with your doctor’s approval, you could take dietary supplements such as cod liver oil.

  1. Move to a retirement community

Social interactions are key to remaining mentally stimulated and engaged in the world around you. However, due to the gradual passing of your peers and friends, it is all too easy to become isolated and lonely as you age. To retain a sense of community, you could look for accommodation in a retirement community in your local area, such as senior apartments St Louis has. Here, you will be able to socialize with people of a similar age to you, also looking for companionship and company. While retaining your independence in your own apartment, you can enjoy socializing with your new friends at the events and facilities offered in the retirement community.

  1. Continue learning

Learning is a life-long experience, and you shouldn’t just stop when you leave full-time education. By learning new skills, you are keeping your mind active and occupied and building on your memory retention. Retirement provides you with ample time and opportunity to learn a new skill, so why not take on the challenge? You could learn a skill that is entirely new to you, such as taking painting classes or work on gaining a deeper knowledge of a skill and interest you already have, for example, challenging yourself to obtain your piano grade 8.

  1. Complete regular brain teasers

Just as there are exercises for your body, so too are there exercises to keep your brain healthy and in top condition. Brain teasers such as crossword puzzles and sudokus are designed to get you thinking, and, as such, they are great methods of keeping your mind active and engaged. Try to establish it as part of your daily routine to complete one

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