5 Creepy Bugs That You Can Locate In Your Home

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Different types of bugs can be seen in every household. You need to take immediate steps to remove them, or they will damage your house and health. Here, some of the most common bugs are mentioned, which can be seen in our household.  

Bugs you can locate at your place

  1. Ants

Ants can be seen in almost every household. They may look small, but they can cause havoc. To get rid of ants in your house, first, you need to detect them.  

How to detect ant infestation?

Live ants

Ants reside in large colonies, so if you spot four or five ants crawling on the floor or wall, be sure that there are at least 200 more of them. 


Ants always leave a trail behind them. This trail helps its fellow mates to reach the food source. If you detect any such trail, your house is infested by ants.


Ants nests look like a pile of dirt or soil. Some ants also make their nest on walls. You need to detect those.

How to get rid of ants?

  • Spray chalk dust on their entry points
  • Keep all food items well-sealed
  • Use cinnamon, pepper, cloves, orange, and lemon, as natural ant-repellers
  • Seal all the entry points
  1. Cockroaches

Having cockroaches in your house is very unhygienic. They breed very fast and thrive in the dirt. To remove them completely, you need to detect them.

How to detect cockroaches?


Cockroach droppings look like dust coffee and are less than 1mm. These dust-like droppings are proof of their existence. 


Cockroaches lay eggs in the form of a capsule. Each capsule contains several eggs. These eggs can be detected easily.

Smear marks

When cockroaches crawl, they will make smear marks on the surface where water is abundant. These can be detected.

How to get rid of cockroaches?

  • Boric acid can kill cockroaches
  • Baking soda and sugar mixture can kill them
  • Neem oil or powder can help you get rid of them

If you fail to control them, take the professional’s help. Positive Pest will be your best option for pest control solutions. 

  1. Mosquitoes

Mosquitoes feed on our blood. They can be detected in every household. Some mosquitoes even cause deadly diseases like malaria and dengue. 

How to identify mosquitoes?

Live mosquito

Mosquitoes fly around our house in search of food. We can easily see them sitting on our skin.

Buzzing sound

While mosquitoes fly, they make a buzzing sound. When you hear such a sound, look around for a flying mosquito.

Red marks on the skin

Mosquito bites produce itchiness and red marks on our skin. The place also swells a bit.

How to get rid of mosquitoes?

  • You can use a chemical mosquito repeller
  • Sealing all gaps will prevent them from entering your house
  • You can use mosquito nets to stop them from entering your place
  • Mosquitoes cannot fly against heavy wind. So, simply turning on the fan may help
  • A mixture of coconut and neem oil is a mosquito repeller. You can apply that to your skin.
  1. Spiders

Spiders are eight-legged nasty-looking insects. We can usually find them in basements, dark corners, bathrooms, and kitchen corners. 

How to detect spider infestation?

Spider webs

Spider webs are the main signs of their existence. They make webs and use them to catch their prey. You may find some dead mosquitoes and small insects in every spider web. They make these webs in corners of our house, where we cannot reach easily.

Live spider

When you see a spider crawling on the wall, you can kill it instantly before it breeds. One spider egg contains numerous small spiders. So, before they hatch their eggs, you need to remove the spider from your house.

How to get rid of spiders?

  • The strong smell of peppermint oil can repel spiders
  • Spiders hate the smell of vinegar so you can use that
  • Keep your place clean so that spiders cannot find any place to hide
  • Seal all cracks in your house, so that spiders cannot enter
  • The smell of eucalyptus keeps spiders away
  • The smell of cedar and garlic is also despised by spiders
  1. Bedbugs

Bed bugs can give you nightmares. If you have bed bugs, you cannot sleep comfortably for a single night. They are very hard to detect as well.

How to detect bedbugs?


Bed bug drops are very small and dark in color. You can detect those under your bed and furniture if your house is infested.

Wood dust

Bed bugs munch on wood. So, you will find wood dust under your furniture if you look carefully.

Holes in wood

Bed bugs make holes in the wood to make a nest. These small holes can be easily detected.

How to get rid of bedbugs?

  • Hot water kills bed bugs. Add some dish soap to the water.
  • Ironing all your clothes and bedsheets will remove them
  • You can also vacuum them
  • If you keep the furniture in the sun, the bugs will go away


So, these are a few most common bugs that can be seen in our households. All these tips of detection and prevention are effective. Give these a try and see the result yourself.

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