5 Documents You Need When Applying For a Professional Job Role

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A man signing documents.

Many job seekers complain of their application getting declined but sometimes, it’s because they didn’t submit the relevant documents as required by the hiring manager. The thing is, you have to put your best foot forward to create a good first impression. If you fail to submit a document you were asked to provide, you give the impression that you won’t always comply with the job demands. And for professional and specialized job roles, you want to express the highest level of professionalism.

So, what are these documents required when applying for a professional job?

School certificate/diploma/transcript

Your degree certificate(s) is the first document you need when applying for a professional job. You can request a transcript instead if your university certificate isn’t ready.

If getting the transcript is also a challenge, fake transcripts can be the ideal solution. Although not original, these documents are realistic and would work for the application. They are also a great option if you worry about losing or submitting the real document. When your application is accepted, you can always present the actual certificate or transcript to the destination country.

A cover letter or application letter

Your cover letter is a document highlighting who you are, your academic history, personal goals, and why you are applying for the job role. It’s the opportunity to tell the hiring manager what you bring to the company

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