5 Health Benefits of Mushroom Lattes

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Your everyday life is very demanding. It often feels like you do not have enough time to fulfill all your responsibilities. You often feel like you are running on fumes and need something for an energy boost so you can complete your day.

Traditionally you would reach for some coffee or, maybe in the past few decades, an energy drink may be your poison of choice. Either way, you are taking large doses of caffeine to try and keep your body and mind going so you can complete what you need to for that day.

Taking large amounts of caffeine throughout the day is tough on your heart and makes you feel on edge throughout the day. Then when you can finally lie down you can not rest because of the side effects of all the caffeine you took to stay awake.

Before you know it you hear the alarm to get up and start your day but you are still exhausted. It is a vicious cycle that you have caught yourself in. You are now a slave to caffeine.

Thankfully you found your way here. In the past few years, a new product has hit the market that can replace all the caffeine supplements you take to increase your energy with a natural alternative.

You are already aware that mushrooms have many medicinal uses, but have you had a mushroom latte yet? Mushroom lattes are an all-natural alternative to large doses of caffeine. Changing out your daily coffee or energy drink for a mushroom latte will provide you with many health benefits.

Energy Without Jitters

Mushroom lattes are an excellent source of natural energy. While the best mushroom lattes in the market do contain a small amount of caffeine, it is in the form of non-GMO coffee and it is only to add flavor.  

The main ingredient, in the best brands of mushroom lattes, used for energy will be L-theanine.

L-theanine is found in green tea. It provides natural, even energy. It actually has a calming effect unlike caffeine that can make you feel on edge and jittery.

Strengthen Immune System

The best brands of mushroom lattes will also contain Chaga mushrooms in their mushroom mixture. Chaga mushrooms are most well known for their benefits to the user’s immune system.

Chaga are so beneficial that pharmaceutical companies have tried to synthesize their properties in a lab to make a synthetic version.

Improve Cardiovascular Health

The Chaga mushrooms in mushroom lattes can also help to lower a person’s blood pressure. This greatly improves a person’s cardiovascular health. Chaga mushrooms also lower the cholesterol of its users. 

Mental Clarity

People who give up more traditional caffeine supplements and start using mushroom tea regularly report that they can think clearer and feel as if a fog has been lifted in their everyday life.

Most mushroom lattes will include collagen. Collagen is a rich form of protein with a unique profile. Protein contains amino acids that your brain needs to function at its best. 

You want to also make sure your mushroom latte contains lion’s mane mushrooms in its mushroom blend. Lion’s mane mushrooms improve brain function when used regularly.

Improve Sleep

Lion’s mane is a very unique species of mushroom that also helps you fall asleep. It is very beneficial for it to be in your mushroom latte. Lion’s mane does not only help you fall asleep but it helps you to stay asleep. You will actually wake up and feel rested with continual use.

It is clear that mushroom lattes have several health benefits. It seems like an obvious choice to use if you need an energy supplement, simply because it does not have the same negative effects as the other choices available. 

The next time you need energy to make it through the last few items on your to-do list, don’t grab a traditional coffee

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