5 Reasons to Choose LED Lamps Over Traditional Lamps

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There are so many lighting options available that it can be confusing which is best for your needs. There was a time when your only option was the incandescent bulb, but there have been significant technological advances since then. Whether your goal is to illuminate your home or your business, there are many reasons that you should consider choosing LED Lamps over traditional lamps.  

They Are Energy Efficient

LEDs, or light-emitting diodes, are much more energy-efficient than traditional lighting. They emit almost no heat. Only 5 % of their energy is released as such, whereas conventional lights release most of their energy as heat. CFLs, or compact fluorescent lamps, allocate about 80% of their power to heat, while classic incandescent bulbs use up to 95 % of their energy on heat. If you’ve ever tried to replace a hot bulb and burned yourself, you know this is true, but have you ever considered switching to LED  battery operated lamps? Many LED lights run on rechargeable lithium-ion batteries and will save energy and money. 

They Are Environmentally Friendly

LEDs are inherently more environmentally friendly due to their energy-efficient nature, but that isn’t the only reason why they are better for the planet. They need replacing far less frequently than CFLs or incandescent bulbs, meaning less waste to go into landfills. Moreover, CFLs contain small amounts of mercury, which is an apparent environmental hazard. In some areas, it is illegal to throw fluorescent lighting away in your regular household rubbish. Good quality LED lamps can last many years before failure, and even then, repair is an option over the landfill.       

They Have High CRI Ratings

Measured on a scale of one to 100, CRI stands for colour rendering index and refers to how true the colours of an object appear in artificial light. Incandescent lights and sunlight get a score of 100 in this model. Unfortunately, incandescent light is very energy inefficient. Fluorescent light phased much of it out. However, while CFLs may boast a better energy economy, the colour rendering index is lacking, ranging from 50 % to 85 % at most. Modern LEDs can have CRI ratings into the 90s, making them a great alternative. If your goal is to purchase lighting for your restaurant, art gallery, or clothing boutique, have you thought of led table lamps?  These are ideal applications for when you wish to achieve a true-to-colour effect without incandescent lighting.  

They Are Portable

One of the biggest perks of LED lighting is how portable it is; this is especially true if your usage is in an old building or home where outlets can be few and far between. You can even bring them outdoors for a nighttime photoshoot. If lighting a restaurant, cordless lamps are ideal as you don’t want your guests tripping over or getting hung up on cords. In addition, the convenience of rearranging your home and business is indispensable.     

They Are Better For Your Health

You may be surprised to learn that there are health benefits to switching to LEDs. Spending time in natural daylight is crucial to preserving our health. Sunlight regulates our circadian rhythm, which impacts when and how well we sleep, and sleep is one of the most important aspects of wellness. While LEDs are not a replacement for spending time in nature, they are a fantastic alternative when that is not an option; they can help regulate your circadian rhythm while staving off seasonal affective disorder, also known as SAD. It would be beneficial for schools and work settings to switch from traditional overhead fluorescent lights to LED battery operated lamps. Fluorescent lights are hot, prone to flickering, and are a source of headaches for many. On the other hand, LEDs have been proven to reduce anxiety and promote a feeling of relaxation. While it may sound counterintuitive, a relaxed employee is a much more productive employee. 

LEDs have come a long way from your run-of-the-mill string lights. Whether you are striving to light up your home life, provide ambience to your restaurant, or provide your workers with a more pleasant atmosphere, there are many attractive options available in the form of LED lamps.    

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