5 Simple Ways to Get Fit While Still Saving Money

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Staying fit is costly, and for many of us who don’t have the luxury to spend much, this can be a challenge. According to Jessica Collins, a personal trainer and a health writer at Flash fit Trainer, fitness cost is a factor for people to quit or not start their health journey. 

However, it is possible to stay fit without spending too much. Money is not an excuse not to pursue fitness and stay healthy because there are various affordable ways to get fit.

Free Resources

Many fitness programs are offered for free. You need to know where to find it.

Youtube has abundant fitness resources you can make use of for free, and you can do it in the comfort of your home. You even have options for beginners or advanced level exercises. From yoga, pilates, or HIIT, the choices are endless. 

If you enjoy the company of others, there are often free classes in public spaces like parks and sports halls. Joining a sports club can also help save a lot since members may be asked to pay an annual fee at a minimum rate. 

Bodyweight exercises are perfect if you do not want to spend on equipment. All you need is your body and the ability to follow specific movements. Planks, push-ups, squats, and step-ups are some examples of fat burner exercises. There are plenty of resources online.

Home Gym

Gym membership is costly, and forking out money to get decent exercise may not be the best option financially. You can save more when you make a personalized gym at home. 

You don’t have to spend on expensive dumbbells or other equipment; even simple resistance bands, kettlebells, and jump ropes can give you an intelligent gym workout. There are also many second-hand pieces of equipment available on the market that comes at a very affordable price. All you need is to do a little research.

Spend less on gears

Sports clothing can be expensive, but there are plenty of good options on the market that come at a very affordable price. 

Know when you need to splurge or save. Certain gears are worth spending, but others are pricey because of the brand. Check around different stores and websites, don’t be afraid to explore brands that are not mainstream and popular.

If you have tiny feet, you can try looking at children or teen sneakers. These types of shoes are suitable for non-running activities. You can also wait for clearance sales on specific brands to get a good deal. You can make muscle shirts from old t-shirts instead of buying new ones. 

Biking to work

A simple yet effective way to stay fit is biking to work. This is a win-win situation because you get to save on your travel expenses while at the same time able to exercise daily while going to work. Biking is also an excellent way to reduce pollution and protect the environment. You’ll help reduce a significant amount of carbon footprint every time you take the bike.

Biking improves muscle strength and mass while improving cardiovascular health. Different studies showed at least two hours weekly of moderate to vigorous physical activities is necessary to stay fit. Biking provides that type of exercise.

Aside from the physical benefit, biking is good for your mental health. It reduces the risk of depression and gives you a daily mood booster thanks to the hormones being released after a good exercise.

Plan your diet

We all know food plays an essential role in the fitness regime. It consists of 80% of your effort to stay fit. However, we are all aware of how healthy food can get expensive. There are alternatives to keep the expenses down without sacrificing your health. 

Consider meal planning. Planning what you will eat for the month or every week helps prevent you from buying unnecessary things in the grocery store. We often buy more than we need, and planning is an excellent tool for seeing where your money goes. 

Another benefit of planning your meal is you get to reduce the chances of eating out or taking out meals. Often, when you do not know what to eat or are too tired to cook, you will eat outside. The cost of dining out is twice the cost of cooking your food. Besides, you have more control over what ingredients to use when you are cooking. 

It is possible to stay fit without ripping your pockets. All you need to do is be innovative and find ways to reduce expenses while maximizing your resources. The goal of fitness is to stay healthy, and this is doable with simple interventions such as planning your meal and using free programs and resources. You can stay fit without breaking the bank. 

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