City-state Singapore attracts people with its picturesque views and combination of traditions and high technologies. Lots of engaged couples decide to hold their weddings in this wonderful place.
It’s necessary to do a peck of things to make the event perfect. You’ll have to find a wedding photographer in Singapore, book a suitable venue, decide on the suit and the dress, and so on. We have collected 5 tips that will make your preparations easier.
Plan your budget
Deciding on the amount of money you are ready to spend on the ceremony is a crucial moment. You should set limits, and stick to them. Anyway, it’s better to have an extra sum of money that may be spent on additional expenses.
We’d recommend you to create a list of the things and services you’re going to pay for. When it’s finished, look through it again and check off unnecessary variants. Renting a venue, you may also negotiate with its manager and ask for a package of services and options. Often, representatives of halls are ready to offer discounts for engaged couples. This variant prevents overspending.
These small tips will also help you to fit into the budget:
- Try not to spend money from your credit card. It’s a very tempting thing, but it may cost you a bomb further;
- Use planning tools. There’s a wide range of special apps that track your spendings. Install any of them and see how much money you pay for various things and services.
A wedding is worth investing money in. Anyway, make sure that great expenses are not the main thing you’re going to remember about.
Decide on the season
Lots of engaged couples plan to celebrate a wedding at the beginning or at the end of the year. Such a striving is connected with a desire to arrange this event during the Christmas or Chinese New Year holidays.
You may arrange your wedding during off-peak season. This will help you to save lots of money. Also, it’s easier to book a venue on the necessary date. Moreover, there’s a higher chance that all the friends and relatives will be able to visit your ceremony.
It’s a good decision to plan the wedding on some of the weekdays, if you don’t want a great celebration. You may invite guests only to the reception party and have fun. It’s also a perfect variant for those who are busy during the daytime.
Consider hiring an interpreter
If you are going to have a multilingual company, it’s better to look for an interpreter. Otherwise, some people may feel deprived and lonely.
It’s better to hire two interpreters who will be able to replace each other and have time to take a breath. To avoid translation mistakes, it’s better to provide concise info about the guests and yourselves.
Pay attention to cultural norms
In case one of you was born in Singapore, you may decide to respect wedding traditions. Some of them are:
- Tea party. It’s held in the house of the bride. The groom should pass through several tests before he is allowed to see his beloved;
- Dinner with the closest relatives. On the first day of the wedding, only families of the engaged couples come to the ceremony and after that they have a dinner together;
- Celebration with friends. The young people arrange a gala evening for friends exactly one week later.
You may follow these cultural norms and have a traditional wedding. In such a case, it will be necessary to take care of special clothes for the ceremony. If you and your beloved come out from families with different beliefs and religions, try to compromise on some moments.
Remember that it’s always possible to arrange a modern wedding. More and more people in the country decide on having dinner with friends and family. If this variant meets your convenience, feel free to choose it!
Give consideration to organization of a destination wedding
Many engaged people decide to have a wedding in Singapore because of its great views with lush greenery and flowers. It’s possible to get married in a local department of the Registry of Marriages. Anyway, if you’d like to have more emotive power, arrange a destination wedding.
The main point is to find a registrar who will betroth you. If it’s done, you may have a precious celebration in a beautiful outdoor venue or at a grand hotel.
To sum it up…
Singapore is a perfect place for arranging a wedding. You may hold a traditional ceremony only with your families or give a great party for all relatives and friends. Following tips from this article, you may make your preparations for this important event simplier.

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