5 Tips for Cleaning Your House from Top to Bottom

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Keeping your house clean can feel like a never-ending struggle. If you have a full-time job or a family with kids, it can be hard to find the time or motivation to maintain a peaceful, clean home.

However, there are a few simple steps you can take to make cleaning easy and efficient. Follow these five tips to thoroughly clean your house from top to bottom:

1.   Start by Tidying

Tidying is technically different from cleaning, and it’s better to do it first. Cleaning means killing germs and removing dirt, but to find it, you have to put things where they belong. It isn’t easy to clean if there are piles of laundry on your floor.

If your house is not clean and you feel overwhelmed by the mess, it’s probably because your home is also not tidy. To make tidying easier, you may want to declutter. This means taking items you don’t need or use very often and giving or throwing them away.

After you declutter, you should organize

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