5 Tips To Take Care Of Your Clothes And Make Them Last Longer

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Whether you are heavily into fashion or avoid going to the mall completely, you spend much more on clothing. Kids tend to outgrow clothing very quickly but adults can hang on to theirs for many years or as long as it does not wear out. Long-lasting clothing means more money in the pocket. So, be sure you do everything to preserve your wardrobe. It will require changing some habits. Fortunately, you do not need special products to keep your white clothes sparkling and your dark clothes sharp. Here are a few tips to take care of your clothes and make them last longer.

  1.  Start with quality

You do not need to buy highly expensive branded clothes but it is best to buy quality clothing. Spend more on high-quality outfits that always remain in style and create a wardrobe keeping longevity in mind. You can then add a few trendy pieces for the season. Quality pieces will last longer due to construction and thick fabrics. You also need to compare quality versus quantity. Whenever you buy clothes for children, you opt for quantity as they are only going to fit for some time. But when you purchase clothing items for yourself, it is best to pick a quality item that may not need a replacement for a long time to come. 

2.  Focus on laundering

Focus on the tag on the back of the shirt, it is not for decoration. The tag gives you instructions about garment laundering which helps keep it in good shape. If you are someone who hates line drying and hand washing, it is best to stay away from purchasing clothes that need special care. Look at the wash instructions when you shop for clothes. A water softener installation in your washing machine will save a lot of trouble. An item that needs dry cleaning may cost a lot more in the long run. Wash the dark pieces inside out and bring a drying rack home. There is nothing more frustrating than damaging clothes due to bleach. It might help make the whites whiter, but it can stain colored clothes and spoil delicate fibers. Opt for a color-safe alternative that is softer on the clothes. 

3.  Learn basic repairs

Learn to complete basic repairs on the clothing like replacing a missing button or a loose thread. It can make the clothes last longer and save you money. A simple sewing kit will do the job. Even if you have never sewed before, you can learn it through online tutorials. 

4.  Iron carefully

Whenever you iron, you are using the heat to loosen the fabric fibers and make them flat. However, there is a strong chance you could end up damaging the fabric or burning it if you do not do it properly. Excessive heat on sensitive fabrics can spoil them. Hence, keep in mind to check the heat level and use the right one for the fabric you are ironing. 

5.  Follow efficient storage habits

It does not matter whether you have a couple of shelves or a walk-in closet, how  you store your clothes makes a huge difference. You need to use the right technique to make sure your clothes last for many years. Do not hang your sweaters, it is best to fold them and hang on the shelf so as to keep them in shape. Whenever you hang clothes with buttons and zippers, make sure they are fastened so as not to damage other clothes while hanging. You need to give some breathing space to the clothes. If you are less on space, do not pack your wardrobe with clothes. When you push too many items next to each other, it can lead to fading and wrinkling. If there is no space, it is best to look for alternative storage solutions. Heavy moisture and heat can lead to mold growth on clothes. Your closet should be dry and cool. Do not store your clothes in a moist basement wardrobe or the humid bathroom.

If you follow these five tips regularly, you can ensure that your clothes look good and last longer. However, keep in mind that not all clothing items are meant to last forever. They will wear out, fade, or change shape after repeated use. However, by being a little extra care in the way you handle, clean, and store the clothes, you can get months or years of extra wear from each piece. It will add up to big savings and will allow you to wear your favorite clothing items a couple more times. These tips will also save you time and effort. All you have to do is pick the right clothes and store them in the right manner.

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