5 Types of Hobbies That You Should Have to Live a Meaningful Life

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When someone is immersed in a hobby that he is doing, then they can lose track of time or even become forgetful about everything.

Then what are the hobbies that we should cultivate so that our lives become more successful and productive?

In the picture below, there are five types of hobbies that we should nurture so that we can be more successful in achieving all our dreams.

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type of hobbies

Types of hobbies that need to be carried out:

  1. One hobby to make money
  2. One hobby to keep you in shape
  3. One hobby to keep you creative
  4. One hobby to build knowledge
  5. One hobby to transform your mindset

Let’s elaborate one by one while accompanied by a warm cup of cappuccino caramel!

Hobby That Make Money

How wonderful it would be if someone could carry out a job that is indeed his hobby. Happiness is when someone can pursue a hobby and then get paid for doing that hobby.

One hobby to make money means that we do have a hobby that can generate money. Once again, it would be nice to have encountered this kind of condition.

In my personal case, I happen to have a hobby that can provide additional income (although not the only income). My hobby is writing. I have had a hobby of writing since college. That’s why I’m diligent in blogging too.

From this hobby of writing, I was then able to write books and write training presentation materials which I then sold online. And so far, from this hobby of writing I can make enough money to buy a house.

Hopefully you can also make money from one of the hobbies that you love. Think about it, what is your hobby that you can “monetize” or you can use to generate additional income. If you find it, I guarantee your life will be happier.

Hobby That Keep You in Shape

This hobby is the one that makes our bodies healthy and fit.

What is happening now is just the opposite. Many people have hobbies that make the body unhealthy. For example, a hobby of staying up late, a hobby of eating junk foods, a hobby of smoking, a hobby of playing cellphones while lying down (so that they never move the body and the muscles become saggy).

In my case, the hobby that I pursue to make my body fit is walking every morning at 6 for 3 KM (meaning that in a month the average walk is 90 KM). I really like the walking ritual this morning. Besides being able to breathe fresh air, somehow my heart always feels lonely while doing this activity. Probably because of the many parks and green trees along my walking route.

What is your hobby that keeps your body in shape? Bicycling happily? Run? Swimming? Or any other sport? If you can do this hobby. Besides making you happy, your body will also be refreshed.

Read Also: 11 Sports That Make You Taller In No Time

Hobby That Keep You Creative

Try to make this creative hobby also cheap.

What often happens is that several people are pursuing hobbies that are expensive (for example, a hobby of collecting expensive things, or a hobby of using expensive motorbikes with expensive accessories, or a hobby of shopping online)

Sometimes there are willing to spend up to tens or even hundreds of millions to satisfy their hobby. In this way, instead of making money, our hobbies just make us broke. Some creative hobbies include playing games. For example, classic games like FreeCell encourage players to stretch their minds and use critical thinking skills to solve a problem. In addition, jigsaw puzzles are great for fostering creativity and spatial thinking.

Hobby That Build Knowledge

This hobby is a hobby that can make us smarter or increase our skills and insights. There are a number of hobbies that can be done in this aspect, for example: reading books, reading long articles, listening to useful podcasts, watching educational content via YouTube, to the hobbies of doing various real experiments to hone skills (such as cooking hobbies and photography hobbies).

I happen to have a hobby of reading books. Every night I usually allocate up to 2 hours to read books. At night, I never watch television, Netflix, Korean dramas, and the like. I prefer reading books because this is my hobby. When I read a good book, my soul always feels super happy.

Hobby That Transform Your Mindset

Essentially, this hobby is a hobby that can make our mindset more positive and optimistic in seeing life and the future. There are a number of hobbies that we can pursue to make our mindset grow positively, for example: a hobby of meditation, a hobby of gratitude, a hobby of doing good, to a hobby of listening to various inspirational and enlightening stories.

There are the five types of hobbies that we should grow and live consistently for.

Try to think about what your hobbies are in the five types of aspects above. Live a hobby that is productive, useful, and cheap, for a more enjoyable life.

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