5 Ways To Celebrate National Unicorn Day

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Isn’t it great to know that there is one day wholly dedicated to the power of magic, fantasy and mythology every year? This special day falls on April 9th, and it is known as National Unicorn Day. Whether you and your friends celebrate this sparkly date annually or you’re one of the many unicorn-loving folks who weren’t even aware that this holiday existed, here are five fun ways to celebrate Unicorn Day.

Get Crafty

To begin, surprise your kids or just treat yourself by purchasing some cool unicorn school supplies. What could be more fun and inspiring than creating your own unicorn-themed artwork with multi-colored art supplies decorated in all styles of unicorns? Plus, when National Unicorn Day has come and gone, your kids will still have their cute collection of unicorn art supplies to show-off to their friends.

There are many unicorn crafts and art projects you can create using materials you already have around the house, such as unicorn clothespin puppets, headbands, and bookmarks.

Dress Up Like a Unicorn

Kids love to dress up in costumes. Why wait until Halloween to roll out the fun? All you need to do is find a comfy unicorn onesie for your kids, and they are good to go. If you are feeling brave, you could wear one as well. Before snapping that family picture, be sure to decorate your faces with gems, stencils, and glitter that will make you genuinely unicorn-worthy!

Make Rainbow Cupcakes

What could be more delicious on Unicorn Day than rainbow cupcakes with vanilla cloud frosting? Involve your children and their friends as well. Kids will enjoy mixing up each colored layer of cake and seeing their beautiful finished project, which they can top with a yummy piece of unicorn candy.

Hang a Unicorn Pita

You don’t need to live south of the border to celebrate National Unicorn Day with a piñata. Buy one from your local party supply store or build your own and use it to decorate your home throughout the day. When it’s party time, let your little ones take turns wearing a blindfold and striking the piñata with a bat or stick in hopes of breaking it open. You can stuff your piñata full of traditional candy or various unicorn-themed goodies such as erasers or tiny stuffed unicorns.

Dye Your Hair

One of the easiest and most fun ways you and your kids can party on National Unicorn Day is to give your locks a rainbow makeover. Unicorn hair dye is all the rage. You can choose to brighten your hair all over, or just put some bold, colorful streaks wherever you choose.

National Unicorn Day is about a magical creature that spreads positivity, light, and beauty to the world. Use your imagination to find ways to enjoy this unique springtime holiday or to celebrate unicorns all year long.

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