5 Ways To Deal With Exposed Tree Roots In Your Yard

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Having a beautiful garden landscape brings so much life and tranquillity to every home. And one of the things that make your landscape pleasant is the trees planted within your yard. Although many homeowners give a lot of effort and time maintaining the care of the garden, tree problems are inevitable. For instance, exposed tree roots is definitely a sign of trouble because they are not only dangerous tripping hazards but they could also harm the tree in general. Hence, when tree roots have gone to the surface, you may need the help of your local professional landscaping company. Moreover, these professionals not only deal with your landscaping needs at home but they are the best solution to your commercial landscaping projects too. 

There are many causes of tree roots growing on the surface of the ground, and this includes the type of species, the age of the tree, the lack of space and soil erosion. Hence, you need to understand that these problems are just normal and can be taken care of.  Read on to find out ways on how to take care of your exposed tree roots.

1. Add A Thick  Bark Mulch 

As you see roots growing on the surface of the ground, it’s never recommended to cut them. This can cause infection and will eventually damage the tree. Hence, adding a layer of mulch around the roots will keep the tree healthy, at the same time, it is the easiest procedure to use. One benefit of this is that it will provide insulation and acts as a cushion to minimise soil erosion. To do this,  you have to remove the grass at the base of the roots and choose mulch materials that do not easily absorb moisture. There are several mulches that you can use, including pine straw, bark nuggets, and shredded wood mulch. You need to cover the base of the tree with an adequate amount. Putting too much mulch can overwhelm your tree and will cause more damage. It is also important to avoid piling mulch on the trunk of the tree because this will weaken the base of the trunk, thereby, allowing the tree to be diseased.

2. Never Cut The Roots

Although this can be the most sensible thing to do, professionals think otherwise. When you cut down the roots, this will only attract harmful insects which will eventually lead to disease. Furthermore, this can make the tree unstable, especially if there are storms or other weather conditions that could affect the tree’s balance. When this happens, accidents can take place. In addition to this, slicing the exposed roots will kill the other parts of the feeder roots, preventing water and minerals to be absorbed.  Hence, the tree will eventually become damaged.

However, this option is best taken when the roots of the trees have expanded towards nearby structures. If the roots threaten to destroy your structure, cutting is your best alternative.  If you decide to cut the roots, you have to make sure that you only prune the roots that measure only a few inches thick. In doing so, you leave the bigger roots to absorb nutrients still.

3. Add Soil

Although this is a temporary solution, many homeowners will apply this method to prevent accidents especially when kids are playing outside. As long as you do not put in an excessive amount of soil, and blend it with compost, the tree will still get the right amount of nutrients. Moreover, do not overdo the soil because it will only suffocate the tree.  Another method is to plant grass after you add your topsoil. However, since this method is only temporary, the roots will continue to expand in diameter, and the problem continues to exist.

4. Transform Your Tree Into A Shade Tolerant Area

Planting ground cover is another method that can really resolve the problem. To do this, you have to cultivate the surface soil without damaging the roots. Once this is done, you can add plants that will eventually cover the root surface. If your soil is not healthy, you can add garden soil before planting the ground cover. This will ensure the healthy growth of your plants. Homeowners find this method beneficial because the tree continues to flourish while improving the appearance of the landscape. On top of that, kids can play outside without having an injury.

5. Build A Raised Deck

In cases where you want your children to have complete safety, you can build a raised deck for them to play. You can design your deck to have spaces in between the slats so that rain can pass through.  The roots will continue to absorb water and nutrients. Moreover, you can also design the deck to have grooves so that airflow can pass through, preventing the build-up of moulds.

These methods can resolve your tree problems, however,  you can always seek the help and advice of professional landscapers. They are highly qualified to assist you in meeting your landscaping needs.

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