5 Ways to Support Independence in the Elderly

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Independence is something that many of us take for granted, but as we grow older, this attribute may start to slowly slip away from us. For many seniors, independence is mainly tied to being able to live in their own homes and continue to do everything they love and enjoy. Depending on their health status, this is something that can be achieved, as long as they get some help and support from a close friend or family member. If a senior that is close to you is starting to struggle and you want to support their independence, here are 5 ways you can do so.

Keep Them Mobile

Keeping an elderly person mobile is crucial for their health and independence. It will allow them to continue to carry out daily tasks, maintain a social life, and remain physically active, which is great for their mind and body. Walking can become difficult for older people, but a standup walker can offer assistance while supporting their posture and comfort. Click here to find the perfect standup walker.

Get Them Involved

Loneliness can contribute to cognitive decline in older people, which will have a negative effect on their independence. If your senior loved one lives alone, then you should make sure they get involved in family gatherings. You can involve them in everyday decisions, like social activities and what they want to eat throughout the day. You can even visit them or invite them over the same day each week.

Always Offer Encouragement

Encouragement can go a long way. Even if the person is much older than you, offering reassurance and praise can mean a lot and support independence in the elderly. This is because encouragement will promote self-esteem and confidence in an individual, as well as motivation in everyday life. It will make seniors feel like they still have the freedom to make their own decisions, plus a sense of control. 

Choose Suitable Care

There are many care options out there that can support elderly people who need extra help. If you are close to a senior that would benefit from professional care, then you should discuss options with them. If they want to and are capable of living at home, then there are many home care services available. If they are happy to move, you could explore assisted living options that support freedom.

Offer Some Help

The cost of care can easily add up and the chances of a caregiver being available at all times are small. Offering your help when necessary can allow an older person to live in their home and remain as independent as possible, even when professional care isn’t available. If you live a busy lifestyle, you should let them know your availability. Adapting their home will also make time on their own easier. 

Talking to your elderly loved one’s doctor is essential before you make any changes to their life or decisions for them. They will be able to offer you more useful advice and reassurance on whether you are making the right choices. 

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