6 Exciting Water Sports Your Kids Can Safely Try

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As we enter midsummer in the northern hemisphere temperatures are at their peak and many of us are trying to find activities that allow us some respite from the searing heat. Apart from staying indoors one of the best ways of mitigating the warmth is to head to the water. Water, whether on inland lakes or rivers or by the coast, often brings cool breezes which have the effect of making it seem cooler than it actually is. The beauty of water is that there are many different activities for the whole family to take part in, in a safe and fun manner, so here we are going to look at 6 exciting water sports that you kids can try this summer. 


Sailing is a great watersport for children as not only can it provide physical exercise but it also allows them to develop their brains as it is not an easy sport and requires thinking. An understanding of the wind is important when learning to tack and jibe, and teamwork is also necessary on larger vessels as the sails need to be pulled up or down in coordination with the wind and the instructions from the captain. So, if you are looking for a fun, safe way for your kids to spend the summer, then sailing is a great option.  


Paddleboarding is a relatively new sport, but it is a great way for children to explore the coastline or an inland lake without putting themselves in danger. Paddleboards all vary in size and weight so Jeremy at StandUpPaddleBoardsReview.com recommends that you have your child measured up for the right size board and that you choose the correct board material for your exact activity. Whether you are looking for your kids to use the board to fish off or to tour the coast, or perhaps to learn yoga on, it is important you have the right equipment for the job to make it as safe as possible. 


Swimming is one of the best sports that your children can take up in terms of fitness, and if practiced in the right environment it is incredibly safe. You can send your kids to the local pool or lido for supervised lessons with their peers, or if they are more adventurous they can take part in open water swimming in lakes or rivers. If you are lucky enough to live by the coast then the possibilities are endless in the summer months, so send your child out to the local club, where they can get fit and avoid the excess heat of the summer. Just make sure your kid is wearing a youth life jacket to ensure safety.


Surfing is not only an uber-cool sport beloved of bohemian types with long hair and tattoos, but it is also a great sport to get fit and gain confidence in the water. It can be practised all year round with a wet suit for protection and can be a great way of socialising for young kids who are looking to find new friendship groups. Never let them surf alone as anything can happen in the ocean, so have them join the local club where there will be plenty of lifeguards to come to their need should they fall into difficulties.


Snorkelling is one of the most underrated water sports for children. Full scuba diving can be dangerous for young ones and their developing ears, so the best way to introduce them to the marvellous delights below the surface is to take them snorkelling. If you live by the coast the water will more likely be clear and if there are reefs nearby then there will be countless species of fish and coral for them to spot. As they grow they can then develop into full-blooded divers with a passion set for a lifetime.


Fishing is often overlooked as a water sport as more often than not, you are not actually in the water. Aside from potentially putting dinner on the table, it is a great activity for youngsters because it teaches patience, and this is something that the youth are lacking in this day and age! It is also relatively safe as it is practiced from a boat or the shore, so why not introduce it to your kids today?

Water sports are tremendous fun and as we have just discovered there are many different types of activity your kids can safely take part in. Always make sure they are wearing a life jacket, when necessary, and then you can introduce them to the delights of swimming, paddleboarding and snorkelling, and they can spend their time getting much-needed exercise away from their computer screens. 

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