6 Tips for Choosing the Best Cake Design

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When you want to celebrate a special occasion, you cannot do it without an extraordinary dessert. We all know that the best way to celebrate a success is with cake. Therefore, you have to focus on finding a delicious cake with your favorite fillings and icing. However, do not forget that the design is also important especially when you serve it to a lot of guests.Therefore, you need to find a bakery that is ready to satisfy your needs and preferences in terms of cake designs. In case you want intricate details or some frosting that does not combine with the fillings you have chosen, then you need to learn some tricks. Consider Costco cake designs as they may be what you are looking for, with special models and details that suit all tastes. In what follows, we will offer a series of tips and tricks on how to choose the best cake design according to your special occasion. Bakery specialists will turn your desired toppings, fillings and icing into a real show, not just a cake.1. Looking for IdeasIf this is a really special event like your daughter christening, a wedding or your spouse surprise birthday party, you have to plan ahead. Make sure you search for some cake designs that suit your taste and budget. Maybe you will get inspired when searching and you might alter your choice and get something completely different than what you have initially wished for. It is not all about looking online. You should also enter several bakeries to look at their cakes.2. Cupcakes or Traditional Cake?When having so many designs to choose from, you may oscillate between a traditional, round cake, with one layer or cupcakes. The idea of making cupcakes is good if you have a party with your friends and family. Serving them individual mini-cakes can help you accustom them depending on their taste. However, choosing a traditionally shaped cake could also look extraordinary, especially if you organize a big event. You could consider choosing an outstanding design like a flowerpot-shaped cake or a purse-shaped, or baby-shaped cake, depending on the occasion.3. Your BudgetEven if this is an important celebration, about your mother retirement or a baby shower, you have to establish a budget. Your exquisite cake should rock your party, bringing the sweetness in. When you visit the caterer or the baker, make sure you specify your budget before explaining exactly how you want your cake to look like. Try to calculate the size of the cake according to the number of guests invited to the event.4. Cake Tasting EventIf you have not yet decided on a baker, you should visit some caterers and ask them to offer you a few cake samples. In this way, you will be able to decide on the ingredients you want your cake to have. Then, talk about the design of your cake after you give specific details about the event and how the cake should match the taste of the person you will celebrate. The occasion and the personality of the celebrated person will define the cake design. 5. Themed CakeIf your daughter has just graduated from med school, a cake with a stethoscope and a graduation toque is perfect. In case you are celebrating your nephew or son baptism, you should consider a cake design with a baby boy and maybe some small cars on it. Are you preparing for your wedding? Then you should be ready to do tedious and intricate work to find the perfect cake. You can drop the little bride and groom figures on top and choose for an elegant design with a big bow on the side. In case the celebration is meant to congratulate your mother for her retirement, you can choose for a cake with an old lady on top, relaxing on a front porch. Depending on the event, you have several cake designs to choose from.6. Choose the BakerAfter the cake tasting session, it is impossible to go home without having a cake design and choice of flavors in mind. Therefore, after deciding who will be your baker, make sure you accept pieces of advice from them. Even if you may want a certain complex design, with more layers, your baker will tell you whether the size and quantity can be shaped as you like. They know better how the tastes combine and how the cake will be able to support the decorations.If you follow these simple tips, choosing the right cake design will no longer be a drag for you. All you have to do is to give your baker explicit details about the event, and flavors and filings you want for your cake. Make sure that the cake supports the decorations you desire. Otherwise, you will have a bad time when you will see the frosting melting and the decorations going down with it. Make your happy day even happier, giving it the sweetest taste.

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  1. Best designs! Personalised cakes can be made for any special occasion and it helps you to make your day special 🙂

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