7 Tips to Build a Home That Can Withstand Rough Weather Conditions

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Building a house with traditional construction methods works in most weather conditions; however, will it work if you live in an area that is subject to rough weather conditions? If you live in an area that is known for severe weather like hurricanes, tornadoes, and floods, you need to make some modifications to the building design. According to the experts at QCoastHomes, building a storm-resistant home is vital for protecting its occupants and the house itself. Starting the project in rough weather can have its own problems. Property damage from rough weather events adds both time and cost to the project. Although it’s hard to react and predict strong storms and winds, a contingency plan that’s based on previous weather patterns can help builders to prepare for the unpredictable. You can protect your project timeline and site by utilizing site-specific risks, securing equipment, materials and having alternate construction plans in place. Wind damage to houses under construction can cost thousands of dollars in damages and cause time delays. Wind damage at construction sites involves the framework, forms, masonry walls, and roof coverings. It’s always a good idea to evaluate your construction site’s exposure to wind to reduce and eliminate the risk of delay or damage. The seven tips listed below will help you build a solid home that withstands the test of time and rough weather conditions: Tip 1: Brace Building ComponentsAccording to recommended manufacturer guidelines and engineers, you should inspect and brace masonry walls, tilt-up panels, framework, and other building components. Partially installed anchor roofing panels should be secured and checked at the end of each day. You should also cover large openings in the walls with a high-quality tarp until the doors and windows are installed. Tip 2: Continuous Load-PathBuilding a home that’s storm-resistant starts with making a continuous load path. It’s important to tie the structural components of a house together, from the roof straight down to the foundation. When tornadoes and hurricanes try to tear a house apart, a continuous load-path is vital to hold a house together. Additionally, a continuous load-path guarantees when a load force like uplift and lateral loads attack a house, the load from the roof and walls will transfer to the foundation and exit into the ground. Any weakness or breach in a continuous load path can result in significant damages during a rough storm. Tip 3: Storm-Resistant Outer ShellA home that’s built with a storm-resistant outer shell is a storm-resistant house. A storm-resistant wall system produces a home that maintains its structural integrity during violent winds at 200 mph and higher. It protects against flying debris and other airborne projectiles associated with an intense storm. Some exterior wall systems are designed to withstand wind speeds of 250 mph and meet FEMA 361 and FEMA 320 guidelines. They are also designed to protect your house against projectiles traveling at 100 mph. A storm-resistant outer shell is a good choice for building a storm-resistant home. Tip 4: Storm-Resistant Roof DesignWithout any warning, a tornado or hurricane can completely strip a roof off a home. A house without a roof is subject to major water damage and complete structural damage. Once a storm-resistant roof is attached to a house it provides superior protection against uplift and offers multiple layers of protection. Another good build design is to utilize a hip roof that has four slopes instead of two slopes like a gable roof design. A hip roof will perform better in high winds, and a lower pitched roof will also help against uplift. Equally important is the length of the overhang, the shorter the overhang, the less area the wind has to cause uplift. Tip 5: Flood-Resistant DesignA storm-resistant house that’s built in a flood zone, needs to be designed to protect against flooding, especially with tides and storm surges. It should also protect against heavy rain and have a proper drainage system incorporated into the building design. Did you know? According to the ASCE 24, a house built in any flood hazard zone must meet their minimum requirements? It also needs to meet the minimum requirements for the National Flood Insurance Program in order to be insured. A flood-resistant home should incorporate elevated structures, design assemblies that dry easily, and moisture-resistant materials. Tip 6: Impact Resistant Doors and WindowsDoors and windows provide light and fresh air to enter a house; however, they’re vulnerable to damage from airborne projectiles caused by extremely high wind speeds. When a breach occurs, and the wind pressure inside of home starts to push outward on the walls? The entire structure can fail and implode. Installing impact-resistant doors and windows will protect your house from these severe weather anomalies. Another good tip is to install shutters that close for an extra layer of protection on top of impact resistant doors and windows. Tip 7: Severe Storm WarningsIf you’re in the process of construction, and a hurricane warning is issued by the National Weather Service or on the Emergency Broadcasting Network? You should immediately suspend all construction and prepare for the storm. Most storms can arrive within 24 hours, so it’s important to secure your unfinished structure and tie down all loose materials. Is it Safe to Build a Home in Rough Weather?Building a home in rough weather can be safe if the proper safety guidelines are put into action. It’s also a good idea to have an emergency evacuation plan in place for all sub-contractors on your site if an unexpected storm should come unexpectedly. Materials can be replaced, but human life cannot. A good storm-resistant home starts and ends with the proper bui

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  1. Storm resistant is great


  1. […] way you want them to. This is a must for those who want to go with something that will continue to withstand the weather without breaking […]

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