7 Ways To Save Extra Money on Your Water Bills

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Even though your water bill might not be the highest utility bill that you pay, you could be wondering if you can shave it down a little bit. There is a good chance that there are small changes that you and your family can make so that you can reduce your water usage. These seven things are all relatively easy changes to make, and they can make a big difference.

1. Change How You Brush Your Teeth and Shave

If you are like many people, you might leave the water running in your sink while you brush your teeth. This can cause you to waste a surprising amount of water, especially if you brush your teeth for about two minutes each time that you brush, which is what is usually recommended.

A lot of people make the same mistake when they shave. For example, if you shave your face at the sink, there is a good chance that you waste water when you’re doing so. Even though you will need to turn the water on so that you can get your face wet or so that you can rinse out your razor, you should turn it off in-between to avoid wasting water. If you’re shaving your legs or other body hair when you’re in the shower, consider turning the shower off while you shave to help conserve water.

2. Take Shorter Showers

Many people spend a lot more time in the shower than they need to. You might find spending time in the shower to be comfortable and relaxing, but it’s best to try to keep your showers short when you can. The average person spends about eight minutes in the shower each time that they take a shower, so if you spend more time than that in the shower, then you should try cutting down on your shower time. Additionally, remember that taking a shower instead of taking a bath is usually a good way to conserve water, although this does depend on just how long your showers are and how large your bathtub is.

3. Only Run Your Dishwasher When It’s Full

If you have a big family or if you like to cook a lot, then you might rarely have a problem filling your dishwasher with dirty dishes. If you have a smaller family or live alone, on the other hand, you might find that you often run your dishwasher when it’s not full. Generally, it is best to wait until your dishwasher is full before you run it so that you do not waste water or energy. Of course, you can put dishes in the dishwasher throughout the day and leave them there until it’s time to run the appliance.

4. Avoid Handwashing Your Dishes

As if you needed another reason not to wash your dishes by hand, consider the fact that washing your dishes by hand will generally waste a lot of water when compared to running your dishwasher. This is especially true if you have a dishwasher that is designed to conserve water. Plus, in addition to not wasting as much water by washing your dishes in the dishwasher rather than washing them by hand, you can also help make sure that your dishes are properly cleaned and sanitized. Just make sure that you don’t put any dishes, pots or pans that aren’t dishwasher safe in your dishwasher; otherwise, you could damage them or your dishwasher.

5. Make Sure You Don’t Have Any Leaks

One main thing that can cause a lot of water waste in your home is having plumbing leaks that have not been resolved. In addition to causing a lot of wasted water, plumbing leaks can cause property damage, mold growth, mildew growth and more. Therefore, it’s important to take a look around at all of your plumbing pipes from time to time to look for damage. If you do notice any plumbing leaks — even if they seem minor — then you should contact someone from a company like ARLakePlumbing. Then, you can have your plumbing leaks detected and repaired as soon as possible.

6. Swap Out Your Plumbing Fixtures

If you haven’t upgraded your plumbing fixtures lately, now is the time to talk to a plumber about doing so. For example, swapping out the shower head in your shower can be one great way to reduce the amount of water that is used in your home without even noticing an impact on the amount of water pressure that you can enjoy while showering. Swapping out your dishwasher and washing machine are also both good ways to conserve water, and they can help you conserve energy, too. Just make sure that you look for plumbing fixtures and appliances that are designed to conserve water for best results.

7. Wash Full Loads of Laundry When Possible

It’s not a good idea to run smaller loads of laundry if you don’t have to. Instead, run a full load each time that you run your washing machine so that you can avoid wasting water. Just make sure that you don’t overload your washing machine, since this can cause damage and can prevent your clothing from getting clean.

As you can see, there are a lot of small changes that you can make that can help you reduce your water bills. If you follow the seven tips above, you might be surprised by how much you can save. Not only will this help your budget, but it can help you do something that is good for the environment, too.

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