9 Xanax Addiction Symptoms: What to Look for When You Suspect Xanax Abuse

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Suspect a loved one is abusing Xanax but don’t want to confront them until you’re certain? Here are 9 Xanax addiction symptoms to keep an eye out for.

Xanax abuse often begins innocently.

People struggling with anxiety and depression seek help from their doctors who prescribe the drug for short-term use.

Xanax provides rapid-relief for anxiety and panic disorders, but over time, your body needs more of the drug to feel the same effects. Taking the drug in large doses can produce euphoric effects, which is why some people begin to abuse the medication.

Keep reading to learn what to look for if you suspect someone you love is displaying Xanax addiction symptoms.

Nine Xanax Addiction Symptoms

When someone starts taking Xanax in large doses outside of a doctor’s care, they start to exhibit signs of addition.

Xanax does not always make users look or act “high,” but they may exhibit other, less familiar symptoms.

  1. Slurred Speech

Because Xanax affects the central nervous system, it can make someone who takes more than the recommended amount slur their speech. This symptom is alarming, as continued slurred speech could mean someone is having an overdose.

  1. Drowsiness

While Xanax helps you feel less anxious, it also can leave you drowsy. Long-term Xanax users usually need to up their dosage over time to calm their anxiety, which is why insomnia is a common withdrawal symptom.

  1. Confusion

Drowsiness comes with a loss of focus. Some Xanax abusers experience confusion about identity, place, and time.

  1. Poor Motor Skills

When abused, Xanax can cause a lack of muscle control, which results in poor motor coordination. This can be extremely dangerous

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