5 Reasons Why You Should Be Juicing Alfalfa

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For a long time, Alfalfa has been grown specifically to feed livestock. The plant is known to have high levels of vitamins, minerals, and proteins. You can trace the origin of this plant to Central and South Asia, but it does grow globally. 

Other than being planted to feed herds, the plant has also been used for medicinal purposes. You can consume Alfalfa as a supplement, and the seeds can be sprouted and eaten. One of the most common modes of consuming Alfalfa today is juicing, and you can buy organic juice online from Greene St. Juice Co. in various nutritional blends. This is something to consider if juicing your own powerful blends of fruits and vegetables is not an option. 

What’s in Alfalfa?

Some of the vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals that Alfalfa is rich in:

  • Vitamin K                                        
  • Iron
  • Vitamin A                                       
  • Copper
  • Calcium                                         
  • Vitamin C 
  • Folate                                           
  • Zinc
  • Riboflavin                                        
  • Phosphorus
  • Thiamin
  • Magnesium 

Here are five benefits that come from juicing Alfalfa:

  1. Balance Sugar Levels

When you want to balance blood sugar levels, you can opt to juice alfalfa, rich in fiber. It has no glycemic load, and it can’t spike insulin. Therefore, maintaining level balanced sugar levels. There are times when you may feel light and energized; it may be because of the hormonal effects of balanced sugar levels. When you juice, however, chances are you won’t experience the same effects as when consumed whole. 

  1. Build Strong Bones

Without calcium, your bones are likely to suffer. With Alfalfa juice, you can get a heavy dose of vitamin K, which will then improve your calcium intake. You will have stronger bones and reduce bone-related conditions.

  1. Helps in Weight Loss

When you want to lose weight, the first thing you want to do is reduce how much food you consume. And it can be challenging as you’d feel hungry. Alfalfa juice can inhibit Ghrelin. Ghrelin is the hunger hormone, and once it has been consumed, you’re unlikely to experience hunger. Food cravings will also likely not be as much as before. You can then concentrate on weight loss with little to worry about. 

  1. Prevents Iron Deficiency

When you lack iron in your body, fatigue sets in, and even your brain won’t function at optimal conditions, you may lack drive and inspiration when this happens and wonder what to do to spike you on. To prevent such scenarios from happening, you may want to start juicing and taking Alfalfa. But if it’s a common occurrence, you may want to consult a doctor for a complete solution.

  1. Lowering Blood Pressure

Most studies done have proved that Alfalfa can reduce cholesterol in both the human and animal bodies. The sprout has Saponins that have excellent foaming. You’ll be scrubbing off the bottom of your digestive system when you consume alfalfa juice. And with the high amounts of fiber, your cholesterol levels are vastly lowered. And with that, lower the blood pressure.


When it comes to juicing, you want to consume herbs rich in all the essential food components. With Alfalfa, this is a plant that not only tastes great but it also has medicinal value. There are just some of the benefits that are there when you juice this sprout. 

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