A Guide For First Time Moms: How To Prepare Your Child For Preschool

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Every parent wants the best for their children, so they will do anything to provide them with the best education they can have. Children do not automatically learn everything once they start talking or making sense of their surroundings, so it is necessary for parents to guide their children because they are going to be their first teachers. Entering school is going to be a challenge for your young ones, and the first step is attending pre-school first. This is where your child develops social relationships and emotional management. The school provides a place where your child can explore, experience falling, and gets up without your help. It is essential to prepare them ahead of time because it is your responsibility to prepare your child before he goes to school.

Here are some tips and ideas you can use for preparing your child.

Establish a routine

Encourage your children to get used to the activities that he is possibly going to do at school. If you plan to have your children attend nursery school schedules that start early, help them establish a routine of getting up at a time before classes start. When your child is preparing for nursery, you should also let him have schedules. You must schedule a separate time for playing, snacks, and learning. It will help prepare them to start following schedules similar to schools. You also need to explain to them the importance of what you are doing, because it will help them understand the reason behind your activities. Children are sometimes full of questions, and they tend to not do something without having any explanations. 


Give your child small chores like picking up his toys or keeping them in one place, so he can have a sense of responsibility. As young as your children are, you must start training them to do things starting from the small ones. You can offer them rewards like snacks or toys so that they can have something to look forward to after their tasks. The rewards can motivate them to do their chores properly and fast. You also need to teach them the importance of why they are doing that and the possible negative effects if they do not finish it. For example, you can explain and tell them that if they do not fix their toys, it can cause injury if other people step on them. This is important because they can practice instructions coming from you. They are going to encounter instructions and directions from the teachers that will handle them at school, so it is better to teach your children to listen and follow them.

Make Time

It is important to make time for your child. If you are a working mom or dad, take the time to have day-offs or free some time after coming from your job. The times you spend with your children is essential because they need to feel your presence, comfort, and love. They will feel more inspired and dedicated if they know that you are doing your best to spend time with them so you can teach them. It is widely proven that children who grew up in a family where they feel valued and loved are more likely to do better jobs at school. 

Manage your time

Maximize the times when he can give you his full attention. We all know that children, especially toddlers have a short attention span. It is difficult for them to focus on one thing without getting distracted. You must take the opportunity when your children are willing and volunteers to learn something because once they think of playing with their toys, it will be hard for you to compete for their attention. You can also use tricks like granting their wishes if they agree to stay and study with you. However, this method cannot be done every day or always, because you might spoil your child. Do it when it is only needed and you do not have any other choice. It is still better for the child to voluntarily learn on his own initiative.

Teaching your children and preparing them for school is both challenging and fun. It is also fulfilling because you get to be proud of what you have taught them. Having a child is a blessing itself so do not let the opportunity to get closer to them by teaching them to pass by. It will not only benefit them, but it will also benefit you because you have the chance to build your relationship with them and make it stronger. 

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